Mexican Cake clone info - directly from Westbrook Brewery

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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So I recently posted a thread regarding my search for a Mexican Cake clone recipe, and was fruitless. Seems as though nobody has a decently close one. So I emailed the brewery itself, and much to my surprise, got a response. The result of that conversation is pasted below. Obviously they can't go giving out everything, so I'm working with my local brew shop owner (whose specialty is stouts) in an effort to finalize a recipe. I'll paste it below once we work it out. In the meantime, here is what I was given by Westbrook Brewery, with my contacts name anonymized, just in case:

Hey Erik,

For reasons that I hope are apparent, I won't go into details regarding much of this, but I will give you some guidance.

Malt bill isn't too crazy: you can go with a basic big stout malt bill (something with Chocolate, Dark/ExtraDark Crystal) bill and adjust it for ~10.5%. We do add a little bit of flaked oats to give it a slightly creamier mouth-feel. We also add Dextrose and Dark Belgian Candi Syrup (end of boil/whirlpool) to help get us enough sugar to hit 10.5%. Target OG: 1.1034 and Target FG: 1.0233.

We use basic CTZ (Columbus, Tomahawk, and/or Zeus) hopping for bitterness (60 minutes). No further hop additions.

We use our house english ale yeast. Again, nothing too special here.

Mash Water at 172 F shooting for 150 F at rest.

Regarding Adjuncts: We add all of the adjuncts to our bright tanks so I would recommend adding to your secondary for 3-5 days. Ratio wise, you will probably want to shoot for something like 1 : 5 : 10 : 15 (ground cinnamon : vanilla bean : habanero : cocoa nibs). The exact quantities don't scale to a homebrew size well (it's not very linear, and you will probably need a higher #/gal than we do). The habanero and cinnamon can be blended together using a blender or food processor. The vanilla bean can be chopped into bits, but leave the cocoa nibs whole. The biggest problem comes with the habaneros though. The amount of heat they provide can vary wildly from crop to crop. We usually end up adding more habaneros after a couple days to try to get the heat where we want it and sometimes have to do this multiple times. They are very tricky to work with.

I hope you find this helpful,
Never had mexican cake or any other westbrook beers, but this looks like a very cool recipe. Thanks for sharing!
It's refreshing to see breweries leading homebrewers in the right direction in helping clone their beers.

I've been meaning to do something big I can age for 3-4 months before next years NHC.
Thanks for doing the leg work on this. I have been wanting to try something like this for a while and didn't know where to start. Now I need to work this into the pipeline. Looking forward to what you come up with and tasting results.
Thanks for doing the leg work on this. I have been wanting to try something like this for a while and didn't know where to start. Now I need to work this into the pipeline. Looking forward to what you come up with and tasting results.

Definitely. The local shop owner at DIY Brewing in Ludlow MA is heavily into stouts, or so he says. I've left it to him to formulate a recipe, and I'm fairly certain it'll work out great.

Will definitely update, perhaps with photos of the process as well as the final result.
Westbrook is great at helping homebrewers. They helped me form a Chocolate Almond Coconut Stout based on their 4th Anniversary beer.

I am currently going after a nice mole imperial stout. I brewed up the Hunahpu recipe on these boards several months ago and last night tried my first sampling with the adjunct tinctures. I had a very difficult time discerning the quantities of cinnamon/vanilla/peppers to include. I took several breaks and came back to it. My ratios are more 3:2:1 cinnamon/vanilla/peppers so maybe I'll give it another go. Of course, I'm using vodka extracts so my strengths may be way different. I already added loads of chocolate. Stout tastes great as-is. I considered leaving it alone.
Brewed it Sunday, will post stats tomorrow, and flavor thoughts around Christmas week. The Head Brewer at Westbrook Brewery is willing to test the batch too, to tell me how close it came to the original.
never seen this beer or heard of it/them but i have to state for the record that there is no such "mexican cake" that would in any way apply to this beer.

gringos always gotta be appropriating our s**t, damn.

Never heard of Mexican Cake? Really? Well, they used 'Mexican' because of the cinnamon and chilies they used. The used 'Cake' because the chocolate stout tastes a lot like chocolate cake.

But be offended if you makes you feel better.

Never heard of Mexican Cake? Really? Well, they used 'Mexican' because of the cinnamon and chilies they used. The used 'Cake' because the chocolate stout tastes a lot like chocolate cake.

But be offended if you makes you feel better.

i am offended. cinnamon is from south east asia, giripollas gueros. not mexico. does a gringo care? hell no.

plus cake is a stupid descriptor for this beer. does it taste of eggs, milk, baking powder and all purpose flour? of course not. the obvious model for the flavors is chocolate con chile, aka mexican hot chocolate with chiles.

and habanero isnt a "mexican" chile either. Havana(cuba) to the gabachos of Gringolandia is correctly named La Habana en espanol, and someone who lives there is an......Habanero. so if you're gonna be a punatero and say using a chile magically makes something "mexican" at least use a jalapeno or a chipotle. (you could even use a poblano)

ps. in cuba, the habaneros arent spicy at all. in fact, i didnt believe the waiter so i asked him to bring me one. took a big bite- no spice at all. weird.
Actually, there are two types of cinnamon. One comes from China and the other from Mexico. But don't let that stop you.

And no, this white boy doesn't care how dumb you want to act.

ETA: feel free to get the last word. I'm done talking to you about it.
i am offended. cinnamon is from south east asia, giripollas gueros. not mexico. does a gringo care? hell no.

plus cake is a stupid descriptor for this beer. does it taste of eggs, milk, baking powder and all purpose flour? of course not. the obvious model for the flavors is chocolate con chile, aka mexican hot chocolate with chiles.

and habanero isnt a "mexican" chile either. Havana(cuba) to the gabachos of Gringolandia is correctly named La Habana en espanol, and someone who lives there is an......Habanero. so if you're gonna be a punatero and say using a chile magically makes something "mexican" at least use a jalapeno or a chipotle. (you could even use a poblano)

ps. in cuba, the habaneros arent spicy at all. in fact, i didnt believe the waiter so i asked him to bring me one. took a big bite- no spice at all. weird.

Take it easy pancho. We are all friends here. Namecalling is not a good way to make friends here. ¿Comprender?
Actually, there are two types of cinnamon. One comes from China and the other from Mexico.

good thing you're done talking about it, you can keep on claiming ignorance. there is no native cinnamon species from mexico. or anywhere in the western hemisphere.

p.s. wikipedia is free.
Take it easy pancho. We are all friends here. Namecalling is not a good way to make friends here. ¿Comprender?

i think the word you're looking for is "comprende"-- just for future reference. (google translate is free too)

if you think being sarcastic is hard work, try it in two languages.
I brewed this on 12-12, missed my target og by a few points, fermented with WY1028 (big starter), beer went crazy and needed a blow off tube...

Fast forward to NYE, didn't follow the ratios exactly just kind winged it. Racked onto 2 short cinnamon sticks, 3 chopped vanilla beans, 5 chopped habaneros and 4oz cocoa nibs. Soaked it all in about 2-3oz vodka for 2 days.

Took a sample this evening and everything is coming through without anything dominating... I couldn't be happier with the results. It's clocking in at 10.2-10.3% abv at the moment.

Can't wait to bottle and condition for a month or two or six and get into it.

Thanks for the recipe.
Sounds good. What was your recipe ?

Brewed for 70% Brewhouse efficiency ( I got slightly less)

GW two row: 16lbs
Castle light chocolate (350L) 1.5lb
Briess Crystal 120L: 1lb
Corn sugar: 1lb @ flameout
Candi sugar (dark belgian) 1lb @ flameout
flaked oats: 0.75lb

1.30 oz Columbus @ 60 mins aiming for ~50 IBUs

Followed OPs advice and mashed around 150

Mashed with 6 gallons RO water + 4.5 grams calcium chloride which netted me about 3.5 gallons of wort.

Sparged with 3.5 gallons RO water + 2.6 grams calcium chloride for a total of 6.75 gallons pre-boil.

After 19 days I secondaried on 2 short cinnamon sticks, 3 chopped vanilla beans, 5 chopped habanero peppers and 4oz cocoa nibs. Let secondary for 8-9 days, checked flavor at day 5.
Funny thing is I was able to obtain the actual Westbrook recipe (2014) which was taped to a fermenter in their brewery. There is no mention of candi syrup only "raw cane sugar". Maybe they've changed it. Going to brew a batch in the upcoming months to see how it is.
2 Row @ 78%
Roast Barley @ 6.75%
Chocolate Malt @ 6.75%
Dark Crystal @ 4%
Black Patent @ 1.35%
Flaked Oats @ 2.6%

CTZ @ .33 oz per gal
Dextrose @ 1.5 oz per gal
Candied Sugar @ 5 oz per gal

Vanilla bean @ .02 oz per gal
Nibs @ .3 oz per gal
Cinnamon @ .005 oz per gal
Habanero @ .02 oz per gal

That's scaled from brewery. I'm sure this won't work at a homebrew level as the Westbrook brewer said in the first post.
plus cake is a stupid descriptor for this beer. does it taste of eggs, milk, baking powder and all purpose flour? of course not. the obvious model for the flavors is chocolate con chile, aka mexican hot chocolate with chiles.
FWIW, they added "cake" to the name because this beer was first released (commercially, at least) to commemorate their one year anniversary, i.e., their birthday.

[Originally, the owner brewed it to offer as parting gifts at his wedding.]
I've recently brewed a similar Mexican "Fake". I pitched at 63.5° for 1.5-days. Allowed to free rise to 66°; stayed there 3-days. Then free rise to 72°. Kept it in primary for 3wks prior to cold crashing and kegging. I used S-04 and US-05 to ferment.
Bought all my ingredients, and going to brew this soon. Will be using the yeast cake from an ESB I brewed using WLP002.

Any tips or further advice from anyone who has brewed this?
So I built a recipe similar to those listed here. It has been in the primary for 8 days... Still have some airlock activity OG came in at 1.087.....

I am now looking for feedback on the spice tea and soak wood chips.

Thanks in advance.
I brewed this up on Sunday:

16 lbs Briess 2-Row
1.5 lbs Chocolate 350L
1 lb Crystal 120L
0.75 lb Flaked Oats
18 oz Turbinado Sugar @ Flameout
16 oz Belgian Candi Syrup 90L @ Flameout
1.3 oz Columbus (17.8%AA) @ 60 min

Mashed at 150F for 90 min. Temp drifted quite a bit, hopefully it's not too dry.
Got distracted by visitors and added way too much water for my batch sparge, decided i'd let it mash for an hour while I boiled off some extra volume from the first runnings. Slowly added the second runnings and then boiled until I thought my volume was right. Added 60 min hops and continued as normal. When I got it moved into the fermenter, I had 4 gallons of wort that was higher than 1.300 (top end of my hydrometer). Decided to add some filtered water so my volume would be 5 gallons which brought my OG down to 1.112. Pitched a ton of WLP002 yeast cake I harvested from an english bitter a couple weeks ago. It had a slow start which really surprised me, so at 48hours I gave it another shot of pure O2 and a teaspoon of yeast nutrient and it has been blowing out my blowoff tube ever since. Struggling to keep temp down (wrapped in a wet towel in my bathtub and adding ice to the water in the tub, so far highest I've seen is 73). Got my tincture ready and really looking forward to this beer. Hope all my misadventures in making this beer don't hurt it too badly.