Thanks for the suggestion to mash at a lower temperature. I'll do that. What yeast would you recommend instead of WLP001? Perhaps WLP090? Wyeast 1056? US-05?
For 2 dry hops for X number of days (X=1, 4, 5, or 7), would you remove the first dry hop bag before adding the second, or would you just keep dry hop bag #1 in their twice as long as dry hop bag #2.
I've always dry hopped at the same 66-68F temperature as I've used for my primary. Is this a mistake? Sounds like I should dry hop colder as you suggest (60F) after I make sure I've driven off the VDK?? What is the advantage of dry hopping at this lower temperature? Does this have anything to do with preventing dry hop creep or does it do a better job at extracting the hops flavor?
I've heard that the tap water in Colorado is pretty good as is for brewing. My water report in Southern California suggests I should use about 80% RO water and then add gypsum, calcium chloride, epsom salts, and lactic acid.
I would rather not whirlpool unless it would make a big difference; I've never seen a gadget that would do this for me in my 7 gallon brew kettle...I just stand there and stir for 15-20 minutes (not fun).
I'll try to stop asking tangential questions that should be posed to the general homebrew discussion forum.