I've tried two asian food stores and have had no luck finding yeast balls...they're Korean food stores so maybe that's why? The yeast balls seem to just be a chinese product. I did however find a bag labeled enzyme. The ingredients just say enzyme and there's a warning that says "It is prohibited to make wine for sale by the law." So I figured I must be able to make something with it, right?? Anyone know if I can use this in place of the yeast balls, how much I would use, and do I still need mold in addition or is just the enzyme necessary?
Oh, and I have a rice cooker...is that the same as a steamer? I'm guessing it's not since the water just gets put in with the rice and then I hit a button.
Not sure what that is but, I'd say give it a try. It's not going to cost that much right? It's worth the couple of $ to try it out. Check out this link. Interesting info on Solid State Fermentation.