Lowest wort temp for hop additions for whirlpool

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Thomas Rose

Supporting Member
HBT Supporter
Nov 27, 2018
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Having attended BrewCon and listening to many myths being exposed, I've picked out IPA recipe that calls for whirlpooling hops at 108F for 60 min. Creator was going for aroma vs. bittering at this low temp (using Apollo and Citra), but conventional wisdom is cool the wort as fast as possible and get into fermenter due to contamination. Not sure if others here would feel nervous doing whirlpool that long (would be outside) at that low of temp?
I wouldn't be worried if your environment is reasonably sanitary and especially if you can lid your kettle during the hold...

Thanks for the reply. Suppose the environment is the issue as we brew outside in summer. Certainly will cover it with the lid, but will have to take immersion chiller out, then spray it down with sanitizer and complete the final cool down to 72. Seems like taking a risk even trying to be extra careful.

Tried reading and searching for related threads and most address isomerization temps for bittering.

The recipe also calls for a fair amount of dry hopping at 64F. It is Treehouse Julius clone from Zymurgy Aug/Sept 2019 issue if anyone has made it.
At the start of the 60 minutes at 108F. your wort should have no microbes in it since you would have boiled it. The few microbes that do get in it from the air need time to begin propagating, probably several hours. Before the few microbes get a decent population established you will be introducing a few billion yeast cells that will begin propagating and the yeast will quickly produce conditions that are inhospitable to the other microbes, stopping their propagation. I'd say it is a reasonable risk to try it.