Lowest hopstand temp?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
Long Island
Mixed numbers as to the temp to hopstand, Whats the lowest to achieve flavor without the bitter?
I just went 153 and let it drop to 145 over an hour. Wondering if that was to low
I have always gone down to 160* and put the lid on. I do not believe I am extracting any bitterness at this temp and have had great success. I usually do 15-30 min depending on style. 30 min for ipa 15 min for saison etc etc
I have done a couple where I added the hops after flame out with the IC flowing, then left it in there for 20-30 minutes while slowly cooling the wort. It worked well. I have never paid attention to any target temperature. I have done only a few this way though.
I have done a couple where I added the hops after flame out with the IC flowing, then left it in there for 20-30 minutes while slowly cooling the wort. It worked well. I have never paid attention to any target temperature. I have done only a few this way though.
Whats the lowest starting point temp is what I was wondering
My understanding is that hop oils isomerize at about 180F and add bitterness anywhere above that temp. So 170-175F will maximize flavor extraction without adding bitterness. The lower the temp, the longer it takes. Or, put another way, the lower the temp, the less flavor extraction you get over the same amount of time. That's why you dry hop for days instead of hours. I do 30 min at 175F with good results.

Whirlpooling right at 170°F seems to be the general recommendation to get the biggest character bang in the shortest time - while avoiding alpha acid isomerization. I try to pin the BK right there for 30 minutes - which can be tricky when brewing outdoors in a breeze...

I whirl pool down to 170deg and start hopping from there. Some times even going 3 hop additions all the way down 130deg in 20 min/20 deg increments. Has worked perfectly!