Oude Brouwer
Oude Brouwer
Hi Everybody.
I have just started brewing at home about 2 months ago (all grain).
Three days ago I brewed my first 20 Lt of Hefeweizen. I made a starter to get around 330 Billion cells of Wyeast 3068 (297 Billion were required according to BradSmith Tool) but I did not read the manufacturer's recommendation to allow 33% free space in the fermentor.... Result: The day after brew day, I found the airlock gone and Krausen all over the fermentor and on the floor....... I cleaned every thing with paper towels soaked in Iodofor solution and a put a blow-off tube with Iodofor Solution in the blow-off jug. It was blowing like crazy at 20C. Yesterday I found about 200 cc of a sediment inside the blow off jug, with a consistency very similar to the trub you find after the fermentation settles. This sediment had an intense banana-like smell.... since it continued blowing considerably, I reduced the temperature to 18.5 C and this morning, the activity was less intense and I could finally put the airlock back.
I wonder if I have lost some yeast?
Should I add more yeast to my fermentor ?
Any recommendations ?
Many thanks in Advance
I have just started brewing at home about 2 months ago (all grain).
Three days ago I brewed my first 20 Lt of Hefeweizen. I made a starter to get around 330 Billion cells of Wyeast 3068 (297 Billion were required according to BradSmith Tool) but I did not read the manufacturer's recommendation to allow 33% free space in the fermentor.... Result: The day after brew day, I found the airlock gone and Krausen all over the fermentor and on the floor....... I cleaned every thing with paper towels soaked in Iodofor solution and a put a blow-off tube with Iodofor Solution in the blow-off jug. It was blowing like crazy at 20C. Yesterday I found about 200 cc of a sediment inside the blow off jug, with a consistency very similar to the trub you find after the fermentation settles. This sediment had an intense banana-like smell.... since it continued blowing considerably, I reduced the temperature to 18.5 C and this morning, the activity was less intense and I could finally put the airlock back.
I wonder if I have lost some yeast?
Should I add more yeast to my fermentor ?
Any recommendations ?
Many thanks in Advance