Hi again lads. A bit torn between two minds again regarding the pot. My two options are: Get a 10L one from IKEA for 25€ tomorrow (in person, no shipping) vs order a 20L one from Helsinki for 35€ + shipping. I was thinking of brewing on Saturday maybe either way, so it is not super rush. My question is mostly, do you guys think the extra 10 + shipping (can't be many euro) is worth the extra 10L? For the purpose of this brew it won't matter, size wise, but I was thinking if I want to do almost a full boil, at some point in the future. I can always boil less in a big one, but I can't boil more than the capacity of a small one

EDIT: Noted now that the 20L potis 30cm in diameter and my stove's biggest "burner" is only 22cm...
EDIT2: Noted that the IKEA 10L pot has the same diameter... UGH. It is so hard to find a decently large pot with 22cm diameter. Let alone a large pot at all here in Finland