Looking at building a Keezer..

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Sep 6, 2010
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I found this locally on craigslist:


The description states that at a lower setting it can hold beverages... at a ideal temperature for consumption.

Does anyone know how truthful the statement is? This would be great because a temperature controller wouldn't be needed. Saves about $50 without having to buy a controller.
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I did a little research on this freezer because I have been looking to build a kegarator or keezer and was interested. I looked up the model on Haier's site but nothing in the info that is given there sheds any light on the units ability to hold beverages without freezing them. I would proceed with caution. You may be able to contact Haier with your question. Here is a link to the site and that model of freezer:

That seems a bit expensive side to me. When I got my chest freezer from lowes I paid 115 bucks for it, it is somewhere in the 5 cubic foot area (I can get 6 kegs in it.) So even getting the most expensive Johnson control your still cheaper.

Even on it warmest setting a freezer should still freeze IMHO.
Yeah - I'd say keep watching craigslist. I watched it and watched until something reasonable/usable and jumped on it. If you find a good deal, you can get a good size freezer AND controller for way less than that. I got my freezer for $70, controller for $75. My freezer is almost 20 cf though.
I wasn't going to pay full price for it! Someone is selling it on CL for $90. I'm thinking it wouldn't be a bad deal and if the feature does work then it would be a great deal.