Long Diacetyl Rest

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Bloomington, IN
I'm brewing a very standard German Pils. 11 lbs of pilsner 2 row and Wyeast 2124 Bohemian Lager. Used a starter. Fermentation began on 4/19 at 50 degrees and it fermented nicely for two weeks and then slowed down as expected. I brought it up to 68 over the course of about a week. Couldn't get the temp to raise much faster as I don't have any active heat. I expected the yeast to wake up a bit for 2 days and then cease. However, even after over a week a 68 degrees I'm still seeing airlock activity.

I'm a pretty patient person and I'm not worried - but what's going on here? I would've assumed that the rise in temperature would've quickly finished off any remaining fermentation. I've had ales completely ferment quicker than my prolonged diacetyl rest. I plan to just keep holding at 68 until I see no more signs of fermentation, check FG a few times, then lager at near freezing for a month.

This is my first lager after years of ale brewing so I'm just curious to hear about what might be happening and if I should tweak my process any.
I think it's fine. More CO2 stays in solution at colder temperatures so when making a lager a lot more CO2 will off gas when warmed up for the d-rest. Fermentation is most likely done. Check the gravity and taste a sample to make sure but nothing you've mentioned is abnormal.