Lets talk Scales.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2017
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Northern Utah
I recently bought a scale from a local grocery store. Ended up working horrible after the first few uses. I returned that and bought the anvil small scale. If it works well I might buy the big grain scale. But untill then I will scale out a few pounds at a time.

What are you guys using? Maybe I made a terrible purchase.

Also I still need a grain mill so I will have my grain pre mill at the store. Do you guys mix or shake up grain bags so all of the fine mill so it dosen't settle out? I think i have noticed efficiency numbers not adding up.
I bought a digital hanging scale on Amazon and it was a disaster. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07KFM653F/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s02?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I liked the idea of having a small, hanging scale and being able to hang a 5 gallon bucket from it to measure out grain, instead of having a large floor scale. However, I learned to look out for scales that automatically shut off or have an automatic hold function which this scale has both of. While I was measuring out grain, the scale would either shut itself off or would go into "hold" mode. If it shut off, and I turned it back on, it would start at 0 lbs. no matter how much grain was in the bucket. If it went into "hold" mode, it would stop weighing even if I kept adding grain. I ended up buying a different hanging scale that allows you to disable the auto-off function and the hold function. I've only used it once, but it seemed to work well. My only complaint about it is that the hook is small. A 5 gallon bucket still fits in the hook, it just would have been nice if it was bigger. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0012T9QNA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
My experience was exactly like @pvpeacock . I got THIS scale and it was complete junk for my intended purpose. It would turn off a couple seconds after landing on a weight. Not sure how that's a good feature no matter how you use it. I ended up with the little yellow scale too. In 'advanced' mode there is no auto-shut off. You tare the bucket then you load it up with grains.

I use a San Jamar dial scale for hops. One of the best investments I've made in scales. The digital ones count in increments of .03 oz for some odd reason. Impossible to get .25 or .5 oz. It's just a best guess.
I have three for three different purposes and I think they are all great:
  1. AWS-1kg for hops and water salts.
  2. MyWeight KD-8000 for base and specialty malts. The Home Depot buckets I use for weighing out grain fit OK on it. Specialty malts get weighed in 1l beakers.
  3. Weighology Heavy Duty Digital Postal Parcel Scale that I use for weighing how much beer is in my kegs when filling them. However, I'll use this if I'm brewing something that has more than 10 lbs of base malt.
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I have three for three different purposes. and I think they are all great:
  1. AWS-1kg for hops and water salts.
  2. MyWeight KD-8000 for base and specialty malts. The Home Depot buckets I use for weighing out grain fit OK on it. Specialty malts get weighed in 1l beakers.
  3. Weighology Heavy Duty Digital Postal Parcel Scale that I use for weighing how much beer is in my kegs when filling them. However, I'll use this if I'm brewing something that has more than 10 lbs of base malt.
I can vouch for the KD-8000 for bulk grains. Works great. also use it to weigh green coffee beans. For hops and salts Jamil says any scale good for cocaine will work. :) I use the Escali PR-500; just don't let DME fall around the buttons...
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I've got a couple scales I use.

For weighing small amounts, such as water additions, I use a Lyman Microtouch 1500. I originally bought it for weighing reloading powder, it also is great for weighing small amounts for brewing.

For heavier amounts I use an UltraShip-55. It's just the bomb for anything up to and including 55 pounds. You can set it for ounces, pounds, grams, and even hundredths of a pound. If someone stole it from me, I'd buy another in an instant. Electronic Grain Scale - 55 lbs. | MoreBeer
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I have a whole slew of small scales for brewing, ranging from 500 grams and 1 Kg scales for hops (as well as weighing out my green coffee for my behmor 1600+), then an 11# scale for specialty grains, and then I have a 400# scale with remote display that I use for bulk grains (I also use this to weigh my chainsaw milled slabs that I dry and use for my woodworking).

I also have other scales I use for espresso (brewing scale with timer), as well as for weighing air rifle pellets (20g max, resolution to .001 gram).