Left the tap open? D'oh!

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Broken Robot Brewing Co.
Oct 31, 2007
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Without fail, EVERY time I reassemble my picnic tap and hose and head out to dispense some beer, I leave the tap OPEN when I snap the QD onto the out post. WOOOOOSH, beer fountain all over the floor. Or, last night, my work pants. Boo-urns.

Anyone else have a problem like I do? Anyone else do something utterly retarded, EVERY time, without fail?

(My other is taking an OG reading. I always forget until 2 hours after I pitch my yeast.)
yep, done that several times, store the picnic taps open, and sometimes forget to close them before use. Somehow remembered to close it last night when I tapped my new IPA.
Uh, nope, but I have left the tap open once on my kegerator. Got quite a beer bath, but only ONCE!
Yeah. I told myself after it happened the first time that I would check it every time, too.
We see how well that's worked out, since it's happened three more times this week. :p
Not every time, but I've also left the fermenter's spigot open on occasion and smacked the taps while working around the kegger. My former brewing buddy snagged a tap while wearing his Roadcrafter & filled a leg up, crotch to sock.
chriso said:
Or, last night, my work pants. Boo-urns.

Smithers-"No, sir...they're saying boo-urns."
Hans Moleman- "Well, I was saying boo-urns!"

I love the reference!

Bummer on the tap though...:drunk: