American Pale Ale Lake Walk Pale Ale

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i brewed it with victory instead of toasting, but i kept it the same numbers(2pounds victory). bottling it this weekend
I made a PM version of this, with a tweak on the hops sonce I couldn't find Simcoe. My (not ready for publication) house pale is bittered with German Nobles and flavor/ aroma with Chinook, but I like Amarillo OK too.

I brewed 08-01-09, getting down to the bottom of the keg, my near miss came out really nice.

For grains I toasted two pounds of pale malt in a stovetop skillet, about 10 ounces at a time, just barely to color change, wafted a couple weeks and then back to the LHBS for crushing.

2# toasted pale malt
1/2# Crystal 60L
1/2# wheat (I had malted wheat in the freezer and used it)
2# domestic 2 row
2# Marris Otter

That is about all the grain my system can handle, I added about 4# of pale LME post boil to get my 5 gallon OG to 1.066.

I used Amarillo throughout as written in the original recipe, but instead of "Simcoe" which I couldn't find I used Tett, Saaz, a little Perle and some Tradition instead, HBU for HBU.

I did a 60 minute acid rest, and then added about half the (60) hops to the mash tun at the start of 60 minutes at 155F saccarification rest.

I ended up dry hopping for almost four weeks what with every thing I had to accomplish between caribou season ending and opening day of moose season. I think if I had pulled it off the dry hops at two weeks it would have matured in the keg a lot faster.

When I find some Simcoe I will be making another batch of this as written. The malt character is deep and hearty without being overly complex or sweet, a fine platform for all those hops.

Thanks for the inspiration.
One more Lake Walk fan here. We tasted the hydrometer sample last night before dry hopping and it was excellent. The only change we madde was to use Wyeast 1968 instead of the US-05. This was our first brew of the cold weather season and had a problem holding the mash temp. It went from 153 to 145 over 45 minutes. It was still very tasty but will have to try again with better temp control. We've decided to mash indoors so it will be easier next time. Great recipe. Thanks Dude.
I have made this my house Pale Ale..From What I do over tthe many batches..toast my own malt..around 270 and spray with water every 10 minutes for 30 minutes. I Mash around 154..and I try to keep the IBU's around 35. This makes for a nice and balanced Pale Ale..If your IBU's push 40 to 45 than it doesn't apeal to as large a crowd. I do like to dry hop the full amount .5oz of each for a good 2 weeks and straight to keg. love this beer. 2 to 3 weeks on gas and this sucker is amazing..give it some time in kegeratopr before you tap..keep it at cool temp for a full 3 to 4 weeks..It will round out nice and have a great mouthfeel.. It will seem thin or watery at first if you tap early. just my thoughts...

Originally Posted by Dude
"Lake Walk Crossing" was the street we lived on when I first started brewing. This recipe was kind of the first recipe I ever started tinkering with to make a house pale ale. It has gone through many renditions and is finally getting up to where I really like it.

FWIW, I think my second batch of this (extract) really got the ball rolling on my brewing hobby. It turned out great, and up until recently I've been trying to replicate that extract version doing all grain. Getting there!

I'm really happy to see so much interest in it. You guys are making my head swell! Thanks!

does anyone have the extract version recipe?

dude, you still around?
I opened up a 6 month old bottle yesterday that was still fabulous. Sure the hop aroma dissipated a little, but still very very nice.
Can you toast malt post crushing??

some where in all those pages of posts they talk about it. said you could either way. I personally dont have a mill and my LHBS told me it might not be the best idea so i just brought it back after toasting to crush. Was one of the most amazing smells ever.
My closest shop is an hour away and I don't like the people there so I don't go. I'll just go with Victory Malt instead. Got it entered int BMW. Probably order it tomorrow and brew it Sunday
My closest shop is an hour away and I don't like the people there so I don't go. I'll just go with Victory Malt instead. Got it entered int BMW. Probably order it tomorrow and brew it Sunday

I'm guessing your checking this but just in case im not sure if the victory is a straight 1 to 1 replacement. Im not sure if you have to use less. Seems like something good to check lol.
meh, I just replaced it. THe guy above posted he did this and I figure, if it's not exact, it should still be a good pale ale. OG came out close enough if not the same. 1056. I added 8oz of 2-row also cause I only get 75% efficiency.
meh, I just replaced it. THe guy above posted he did this and I figure, if it's not exact, it should still be a good pale ale. OG came out close enough if not the same. 1056. I added 8oz of 2-row also cause I only get 75% efficiency.

yeah im guessing it will taste good one way or another. I just dry hopped mine today and tasted amazing already even while uncarbed and warm haha.
good deal. I've been wanting to do this recipe for quite a while. It's funny. APA is my favorite anytime goto style, and I haven't brewed one since my very first batch 2 years ago.
Dude Dude Dude Dude!

Made this for the 3rd time this past Sunday. 10g batch & recipe followed exactly. This is going to become a house tap for me. Great recipe Dude.
Made this yesterday....on accident :( Grabbed the Lake Walk grain sack instead of the Oatmeal Stout. So I have Lake walk grain bill plus 1lb oats and one 50 minute addition of Simcoe for 37 IBUs sitting in my fermenter with 1 ounce simcoe and 1 ounce amarillo. I'm going to make a 15 minute tea tonight with 1ozeach simcoe and amarillo and add to the fermenter, then dry hop as scheduled. I will mkae this again this summer though the correct away. *shakes head in disappointment* Hit OG of 1058 though :D
Brewed this about a month ago. Took the keg to an AG demonstration at the shop that I work at. Everyone loved it. Might throw it in a couple competitions.

Thanks for the recipe.
i made this about 3 weeks ago, standard recipe except with victory switched out 1:1 for toasted. it's about 3.5 weeks from brewdate, with 2 weeks of dry hopping. already it's very good, i grabbed a glass at half carb last night (couldn't help myself). i think it needs maybe an additional week or two for the hop flavor to be *perfect*. it is not very sharp by any means, but the hops could stand to settle down just a tad.

i think i'm going to use this as a base for a recipe with cascade as the bitter and some columbus @ 20. good recipe dude! everything comes together very well for a session beer... but i want more hops. :rockin:
Just poured my first of the first keg of Lake Walk...Approved!

Brewing this for the second time today. I subbed in Vienna for the toasted malt, just because I love Vienna and felt a bit lazy about the toasting. Love, love, love this recipe.
Just poured my first of the first keg of Lake Walk...Approved!


That looks awesome!

Brewing this for the second time today. I subbed in Vienna for the toasted malt, just because I love Vienna and felt a bit lazy about the toasting. Love, love, love this recipe.

Thanks for the love, love, love! I just brewed it 2 weekends ago. We took a sample out of primary and it was awesome. I can't wait to drink it!
Soon there will be a new thread called "How many gallons of Dude's LWPA have been brewed?"

When that thread comes out mark me down for 20g already this year with many many more coming.
This beer took Honorable Mention (which I'm not quite sure what it means) in the American Ale category at the Peach State Brew Off in Alpharetta, GA. Great recipe!
Did ten gallons of this saturday. og was around 1060 guess I got a better extraction then anticipated. its bubbling its ass off right now. Cannot wait for this to be done. It's real similar to my ryeIPA which I use amarillo and simcoe but add 2 lbs of rye. very tasty as well.
You know, Dude.... in all the time I've known you (and drank your beers), you've never had any of this on hand when we got together.

I guess I'll have to make my own damn batch. I'm sure it'll be better than yours anyway. :p
Finally got my botched brew day version on tap. It is good despite my lack of hop additions (made up for by dry hopping for aroma and a 20 minute hop tea for flavoring) and my addition of oats. Only down side is cloudiness from the oats despite gelatin, and a bit too sweet for style from mashing at 156-158 (thinking I was mashing my oatmeal stout).
I'll give this one another go this summer and get it right :D
Got the (correct) results in. I couldn't believe it only had a score of 34.5. Looked at the judges scores; 39 & 40. How they got an average of 34.5 is beyond me. E-mailed the comp and they fessed up to the mistake. Actual beer score is 39.5. Definitely gonna brew this up again.
Especially when you have been drinking all day.

Kegged another batch of this yesterday. I don't have any Simcoe left so I will probably just dry hop with Amarillo.

The batch I have going at the moment is dry-hopping with 2 parts amarillo to 1 part simcoe. I love simcoe, but I wanted to let the amarillo come through, as I think simcoe has a more potent aroma. Trying to perceive them both more or less equally.

All other hop additions were according to the Dude's recipe, though.
Brewed this up a couple weeks ago as my 1st all grain (after years of mini-mash). Excellent beer, great grapefruit aroma and taste. I may try a little biscuit next time since I'm not really picking up on any toasted taste

Great beer!!
This was my first AG batch as well. It is the best beer I have brewed yet! You have given me hope, as my first three, while decent, were nothing out of the ordinary. Thanks for posting the recipe. it rocks!
wow. my second brew ever was a partial mash of this and it kills me even tho its not even carbonated yet.

fishnuttoo, try this:

Specialty Grains
1 lbs Caramel 60L
2 lbs Toasted US 2-row pale malt @153 60 min
6 lbs Alexanders Pale Liquid Malt Extract
.75 oz Amarillo (60 min)
.75 oz Simcoe (20 min)
1 oz Amarillo (5 min)
1 oz Simcoe (5 min)
1.25 oz Amarillo (dry hop)
1.25 oz Simcoe (dry hop)
Safale US-05
Corn Sugar

i used this partial mash method. ""

this method was quick and worked good. i seeped the the caramel malt in the sparge water before i moved the toasted malt grain bag to the sparge water.
Popped the cap on the first bottle of my second batch of this last night. Another great one. Just a great, fully-hopped APA without the bitterness that makes IPAs a little exhausting for the palate. I get my hops fix and a good drinkable beer, with that Simcoe-Amarillo magic and a really nice malt character.
Dude, I grew up in Newport News and have family there that I've been avoiding for years. When I do make it back in to town, I'd love to buy you a beer in thanks for this recipe.
Brewed a 10 gallon batch 3.5 weeks ago with some minor modifications due to what I had in stock. It's already very tasty and drinkable, although I suspect it will be even better in a few weeks. To me it's Pliny Lite, especially since I was going to do another batch of Pliny and at the last minute decided to ease back a bit on the alcohol content of my beers. It fits in nicely with my Evil twin & Munich Helles taps.
I made a 5g batch last night and got an OG of 1.060 and did no chill so I moved the 5 min hop additions to the FV and poured the hot wort onto it. I also used all MO with no toasting and used wyeast 1272 yeast slurry from two-hearted ale I brewed, pitched the yeast this morning. This is probably going to be more like an IPA :ban:
The first time i brewed this, i did allgrain and it came out awesome.

i have a good amount of extra light DME so was thinking of doing a 15g batch of this partial boil.

what do you recommend? 3lbs victory, 1.5lb crystal 60, and light DME to right OG? i figured i can leave the oats out as they dont add to flavor, just head, which the DME has a small amount of carapils in it