I made a shameless, begging appeal to the folks at Lagunitas yesterday and wouldn't you know it, they sent me the recipe for their Doppel Weisen. The yeast strain was confirmed to have been a special import but suggestions of substitutes were provided. Here is what I got from them:
"Do ½ malted white or red Wheat, 3% Carahell and the rest malt; all noble hops (Tettnag, Saaz, Hallertaur, etc) and if you dont want to pay 2500 euro to ship the yeast from Germany and purchase a phytocertificate, then ferment with Wyeast Weinstephan Weizen. It was about 20 Plato and 28-30 IBUyou know your homebrew set-up better than anyone, so fill these guidelines and do not filter it!!!!
So there you have it. Can't wait to try it.