Kveik Lutra yeast harvesting

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Sep 20, 2020
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I recently brewed a pale ale using Kveik Lutra yeast. Beer turned out good. Following the brew, I harvested the cake and washed the yeast using water boiled for 15 min and cooled to 70 degrees (about 2-3 the amount of water as grub/yeast slurry). However, after leaving my mason jars for about 15 minutes there is a clear layer of beer in the top half of the jar, but absolutely no stratification in the 2-3 inches of trub/yeast (i.e. Solit milky white color with no difference in tint). I did this in 3 separate mason jars and have the same result in each no matter how long (or short) I leave the jars. I even tried resuspending and refrigerating the jars but don’t see any difference between the trub/yeast. Any suggestions on how to isolate the yeast from the trub?
Unfortunately, I haven’t discarded anything from the slurry (ie haven’t discarded any trub). Thinking there’s no way it can be all yeast (way too much of it). Suppose the yeast and trub could be very close in color and I just cannot tell the difference.
It sure sounds like yeast. I doubt the trub would be the same color as the yeast, and yeast is usually milky white. Kviek is a weird thing. I wouldn't worry, but use it quickly.
I poured out a few mason jars (small, 6 oz. or so) after a Lutra fermentation. I reused one about 6-8 weeks later. Fermentation took off within 3 hours or so. Hardy *****.