kreusen wont fall

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2008
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my kreusan is taking a really long time to fall . it was a repitch that also had a long lag time. would you dry hop at kreusen fall or depending on gravity.
and what temp, slow crash add hops package or leave at 68 add hops and package?
I don't check gravity while fermenting, and generally dry hop after krausen is gone and I think the beer is fully fermented. But if two weeks had gone by, I would probably add the hops anyway.
my kreusan is taking a really long time to fall . it was a repitch that also had a long lag time. would you dry hop at kreusen fall or depending on gravity.
and what temp, slow crash add hops package or leave at 68 add hops and package?
Depends on what yeast you're using. I've drawn off perfectly clear beer from under the yeast head when using Verdant IPA yeast.
If dry hopping, I'd recommend racking the beer into a clean fermenter, leaving all the yeast and trub and crud behind.
Unless you can do this oxygen free, it's a bad idea.
Since you don't know what the OP is making, that's hardly helpful. If he or she is making a beer which is especially susceptible to oxidation then s/he should know what precautions to take. Racking when there are about 8 degrees of residual gravity before the target FG is probably the best time. Let it go down even further on secondary and then dry hop. Make allowances, too, for hop creep.
Or if using a conical, removed the yeast head and dump the yeast/trub.
I'd give it a dirty look, call it a few not so nice names, talk about it's ancestors, and maybe insult it's left foot. Either that, or I'd dry hop it and set it up to slow cold-crash a couple degrees a day for a week or so.