Kraeusening in commercial beers

Homebrew Talk

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Budweiser, for one...

It's pretty common, actually.

Hmm, do they filter the yeast after carbonating the beer then? Seems messy. I always thought most macro breweries employed the forced carbonation method and most craft breweries the sugar priming method.
I don't think Bud actually uses it for carbonation... they filter the hell out of their beer. They probably just use it to clean up the beer and get rid of diacetyl / acetylaldehyde, before filtering and bottling.
We don't kraeusen at our brewery, but don't prime or force carbonate either. We cap off the fermentation within a degree or two plato of the FG and let the residual fermentation do the carbonating. We also filter the carbonated beer, that's how lots of breweries do it.