Kegging mead...

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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2007
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So I think its time to keg my raspberry melomel. It looks pretty clear, though I might do a gelatin fining on it first.

Anyhow, is there anything particular to kegging mead that I need to know about? First time kegging mead, but I know this batch will be awesome if its sparkling.

I figure the SS keg is safe/neutral as far as affecting the flavor of this mead, right?

Plan to purge a few times to get a good CO2 blanket. I'll age it in the basement a month or two, but its a lower ABV so it should be drinkable come spring.

With a FG of 1.020 should I carb it a littler higher than 10psi, or just start there and see if it needs any adjustment?
no faucets...just cheap picnic taps. I would be using a new one so my mead doesn't taste beery and my beer doesn't taste meady.
no, but I used S-33 from fermentis which stops no higher than 13%

its not as cloyingly sweet as you'd imagine, but is definitely a sweet mead. the raspberries add enough acidity to balance some of that sweetness too.

plus I thought if I make it sparkling, that will help balance the sweetness a little too by bringing the subtle flavors to the tongue and nose.

I did have this get stuck about 1.042 for a couple weeks...the raspberry addition is what got me rolling again. I started this batch using my old methods, prior to reading Ken Schramm's book.