Kegerator with external CO2 tank on TOP of the fridge - How to secure it?

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Apr 16, 2015
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So I'm building a kegerator and I've been forced to do something that I havn't seen anyone else do yet (and I've looked a lot).

My CO2 tank does not fit inside my mini-fridge, at all. This is fine because I kind of wanted to have it external to the fridge anyway - the pros seemed to outweigh the cons for me.

Instead of a beer tower, I have taps that come out the fridge door. So I figured since the top of my fridge is unused, I might as well put the CO2 tank up there! A main deciding factor for putting it up there was that all the kegerator instructions for my fridge had details on how to drill through the top to mount a beer tower. Since I was unable to find any other 100% safe place to drill through the fridge, I decided it made sense to put the CO2 up there, and bring the lines down through the top of the fridge where most people would be drilling for the beer tower.

I realize this might be an odd choice, given that 99% of the kegerator builds I found online seem to do the standard beer tower on top, CO2 inside. I'll be happy to post pics once I'm finished if anyone cares.

Anyway, my main question is, how should I secure the CO2 tank on the top of the fridge?
I'm thinking about buying about a 10 inch length of 7 inch diameter PVC Pipe (its a big 10 pound CO2 tank), and mounting that firmly on the top of the fridge somehow. Then I simply put the tank inside the tube and it should be plenty secure.

I have a few Ideas about how to secure the PVC to the top, but I'd really love to hear some other opinions on the matter. And if anyone else has ever done anything similar, PLEASE let me know!

Just for anyone finding this thread in the future, heres what I ended up doing:

I ended up getting 12 feet of CO2 tube to replace the 4 feet that came with my kegerator kit. I'm going to put the CO2 tank on the floor beside the fridge, and build a safety box for it. The tube will go up the oustide of the fridge, and down in through the top. Its going to look ugly but I got paranoid about having the CO2 on the top of the fridge. Apparently CO2 tanks can be pretty dangerous if they fall over.

Its going to be especially ugly because its basically a 90 degree turn when the tube goes down the small hole in the top of the fridge. So I might have to rig up some kind of round curvy thing so that the CO2 tube does not get kinked when it goes down the hole.

I hope I've painted the picture well enough :) I'm still open to suggestions here.