Keeping tap clean between uses

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Active Member
Feb 27, 2012
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Hey everyone,

I just got a Kegland kegerator with a Nukatab, and I’m loving it so far! However, I don’t drink beer every day, and I want to make sure the tap stays clean between uses.

In the past, I’ve been using a picnic tap, which I spray with StarSan and store in the fridge. This method has worked well for me—no issues so far.

Now with the Nukatab, I’m wondering if I can keep doing the same thing or if it’s better to use one of those tap covers I’ve seen around.

What do you guys recommend for keeping the Nukatab clean between pours?

Thanks for the advice!
Some folks spray sanitizer up the spout. I don't.
I love the tap covers though. Keeps wildlife out at least :)


I keep a spray-bottle of Star San on my kegerator and if it's been or will be a while between pours I just spray up the spout.
I have those same plastic caps as @day_trippr but eventually got uncomfortable with the idea of sealing in warm air and beer residue so I stopped using them but in the traditon of Murphy, I got my first fruit-fly in my beer shortly after... I'm on the fence about them but I do use them in the summer occasionally when I see any bugs flying around :p
Here's a few products you're likely to encounter:

That blue handled brush/cap is available everywhere and I can't understand why...they are a total waste of cash! ..Here's why:
Since you're new to Nukataps, in case you haven't noticed; the spout can be removed to attach other gadgets.. I included the detached spout from one of my taps in this pic so you can see why the blue brush/caps are useless..they simply aren't long enough:

You really sould get a longer brush such as the one in the first pic. A quick spray of Star San or even water and a quick brush out is all you really need, provided you are periodcally removing and fully cleaning the tap... We all have our own set periods of time to do that.. I do mine with every change of batches, others do it monthly, some yearly. Whatever you're comfortable with.
Hope this helps.
I have forward sealing faucets with removable tips...after a drinking session I remove the tips and clean them. the faucet I just grab my spray bottle of starsan and give it a few blasts up the opening and let air drip dry.
I've never been a fan of the rubber caps, I feel like keeping it sealed up too long could create a good place for mold to grow. My Kegerator is in the garage though, and I don't like surprise bugs in my beer, so I give it a little rinse of Starsan with a squirt bottle like this and keep one of the tap brushes in the tap.
I also keep a spray bottle of starsan on my kegerator and give them a periodic spray. I usually pour off a few ounces of beer into a drip cup if it’s been more than an hour or so since the last pour. It gets some initial foam out of the line along with any fruit flies in the spout. I also run starsan though the line between kegs. I’ll run some through. Then let it sit for a while and then flush it out with more right before I’m going to connect a new keg.
One of our guys just sent a thing he does for a good line cleaning. He has a robobrew and a pump. A Foundry or similar would also work. He fills it with line cleaner and heats it. Then he uses the pump to go through all his taps and lines at once. The pump goes to the first faucet. Then he connects his liquid disconnects together with a coupler they sell. Then out the next faucet, in the next, coupled disconnects again, out the next faucet and back to the robobrew. He has 6 faucets and that setup works for him. He circulates it for awhile then flushes it with water.
One of our guys just sent a thing he does for a good line cleaning. He has a robobrew and a pump. A Foundry or similar would also work. He fills it with line cleaner and heats it. Then he uses the pump to go through all his taps and lines at once. The pump goes to the first faucet. Then he connects his liquid disconnects together with a coupler they sell. Then out the next faucet, in the next, coupled disconnects again, out the next faucet and back to the robobrew. He has 6 faucets and that setup works for him. He circulates it for awhile then flushes it with water.
Nifty trick when cleaning the lines, but not terribly useful for keeping the taps cleaned in-between pours. I think all the folks suggesting spraying them out with water or starsan are right on. That's what I do during extended periods of inactivity. Keeps the crappy taps from gumming up too.
Thanks for all the advice, everyone!

It sounds like sticking with a StarSan spray is the way to go, just like I’ve been doing with my old setup. I’ll keep it simple and continue that method for now.

Appreciate all the input!
