Jawbreaker Wheat Pale Ale

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Mar 19, 2013
Reaction score
Grand Rapids
Has anyone brewed this kit from Midwest Supplies? There weren't a whole lot of comments regarding it on the Midwest website, but since I promised the lady I'd brew whichever one she picked off the site, I'm kind of stuck.

Just curious if anyone else has brewed it and could let me know what type of beer I'll be drinking in a few weeks once it's finished.

Shenanigan, does Gumball Head have a hint of apricot flavor to it? The recipe doesn't say anything about adding flavored extract, but the kit came with a whole bottle of apricot flavoring.

So, if anyone has made it before, did they send you apricot flavoring too? I emailed Midwest about this and haven't heard back.
Manus_Dei said:
Shenanigan, does Gumball Head have a hint of apricot flavor to it? The recipe doesn't say anything about adding flavored extract, but the kit came with a whole bottle of apricot flavoring.

So, if anyone has made it before, did they send you apricot flavoring too? I emailed Midwest about this and haven't heard back.

Ehh I haven't had it for about a year but I don't remember any apricot flavor. Pine and grapefruit more is what I remember.

Thanks for replying. It looks like I'm going to stay away from this if it has apricot flavoring... Just sounds strange. I don't really want the flavors coming from a bottle
Ehh I haven't had it for about a year but I don't remember any apricot flavor. Pine and grapefruit more is what I remember.

Thanks for replying. It looks like I'm going to stay away from this if it has apricot flavoring... Just sounds strange. I don't really want the flavors coming from a bottle

I will update you on whether it has apricot flavoring in it if I ever hear back from Midwest.
Ehh I haven't had it for about a year but I don't remember any apricot flavor. Pine and grapefruit more is what I remember.

Thanks for replying. It looks like I'm going to stay away from this if it has apricot flavoring... Just sounds strange. I don't really want the flavors coming from a bottle

The apricot flavoring was a mistake made in the warehouse. It was NOT intended for the kit. Hope that helps any future purchasing decisions.
Have it in secondary right now and just dry hopped. Bottling in a week and then trying the first one two weeks after that. When I took the stopper off the hop, smelled some faint grapefruit, but not overpowering. Can update once I try!
inter01 said:
Have it in secondary right now and just dry hopped. Bottling in a week and then trying the first one two weeks after that. When I took the stopper off the hop, smelled some faint grapefruit, but not overpowering. Can update once I try!

Great, looking forward to your update!
Have it in secondary right now and just dry hopped. Bottling in a week and then trying the first one two weeks after that. When I took the stopper off the hop, smelled some faint grapefruit, but not overpowering. Can update once I try!

I'm looking forward to your update as well. I just moved mine to secondary tonight and it had a faint smell of grapefruit like you said.
Just bottled on Sunday. Bottling had more hints of grapefruit coming out. Had a small tip. Seemed a bit more potent than I had initially expected, but very smooth and refreshing. Popping the first one after carbing for a week this Sunday. Will update.
Just bottled on Sunday. Bottling had more hints of grapefruit coming out. Had a small tip. Seemed a bit more potent than I had initially expected, but very smooth and refreshing. Popping the first one after carbing for a week this Sunday. Will update.

Awesome! Let me know how it tastes. I'm two weeks behind ya, I'll be dry hopping the batch next week.

I am brewing this kit tonight! I know I'm more than a bit behind you all, but I thought I could help out future purchasers of this kit. The lack of reviews for this kit was disappointing, but I was very happy to find a thread dedicated to Jawbreaker Wheat Pale Ale.

My kit did not come with Apricot flavoring, but it did come with a yeast not specified on the box: Whitelabs Dry English Ale Yeast, WLP007. I have a starter going already. Is this the same yeast everyone else pitched?

I will update again after the brew. This is our fifth extract kit, but the first one for which we'll use our new Bayou Classic turkey fryer! Very excited.

Looking forward to hearing (and tasting) how this kit turns out!
That is what ours came with as well. When you dry hop, may want to stick in refrigerator for sediment to settle a bit before bottling. We did it without and feel like we got a little sediment in a couple bottles...more than we wanted to at least.
That was the yeast I used too (White Labs Dry English Ale Yeast WL007). When I dry hop I rack into the bottling bucket using a plastic filter -- it helps get the sediment out. I usually have my brother-in-law hold the filter as low in the bucket to avoid unnecessary oxidation/reduction.

I will be adding the dry hops tonight and bottling next weekend. I'm beginning to get antsy.
Just popped the first bottle. Bottled conditioned for 2 weeks then put one in refrigerator for sampling. Semi-strong grapefruit notes but by no means would I consider it 'fruity'. GREAT spring/summer beer...extremely refreshing. Best batch I've brewed thus far and can tell you that I'll brew this at least once a year from here on out!!!
Popped my first top after under a week. I just couldn't wait to sample it. It was probably the best brew I've made to date and was fully carbed (good head retention, lace, etc). Brought some to a house warming party and the buddies wanted to know if I was willing to sell it.

For those curious about the Jaw Breaker, I give it a straight A.
junior627 said:
What was final gravity?
it has been 18 days and i am only down to 1.022.

Did you do extract with partial or full boil? Did you do late extract addition? You could have caramelized sugars and made them non-ferment able.
Hmmmm. I did 1/3 the extract early and 2/3 late in 4 gallons. 1 week primary, 3 secondary. Dry hopped the last week. Here were my values:

OG: 1.054
FG: 1.013
ABV: 5.37%

Mine was down to FG after a week. Here's to hoping that your remaining 13 days are productive.
After nother week it is down to 1.016. I think that is as low as it is going to go. Time to hop.
I'll give an update on my batch. Unfortunately, we didn't take any other specific gravity readings other than the first. Our theif got a little damaged in the shipping process and it has been more trouble to try to get a sample for a reading without having the bottom clog up and the sample run right back out of the bottom. To prevent contamination, I've either let it run onto the floor or come prepared with another cup. Annoying! I digress...

We followed the instructions more or less. The instructions said to allow for a primary fermentation to go from 7-14 days: we brewed on July 13 and transferred to a secondary on 29 July. A bit more than 14 days, but we were out of town for the weekend and I'm hopeful a couple extra days won't hurt anything.

The instructions said to allow three weeks for secondary fermentation, which we started on 29 July. We added the dry hopes on 11 August, and then bottled on 16 August. This was our first time with a dry hopping step, so I appreciated the advice offered earlier in the thread! I didn't have any nylon bags at the time and wasn't able to locate a plastic strainer before bottling, so we also have a bit more sediment in the bottles than usual. However, the taste was amazing! I am so excited to have the final product! We are going to give it two weeks and then try, so I'll post an update here after it has had about two weeks in the bottles.

A couple of questions, though:

First, the instructions said to "...add the 2 oz. of Amarillo hops approximately 7 days before packaging." We chose to add six days out in order to maximize the aroma. What did everyone else do?

Last, our beer looks a bit darker than it should, at least according to the color chart on the side of the box. Going through the tubing from the secondary to the bottling bucket, it was more of a light amber and not the pale yellow we thought we'd see. Is this something that will change in the bottles, or is color more or less fixed early on in the brewing process?
Wish I could chime in with another jawbreaker review but I complete ruined mine by severely oxygenating it in a siphoning mishap. Tastes Awful! First time I've ruined a whole batch. From the reviews sounds like I may have to try again!