Hey all, I am looking to see if anyone else has come across this particular issue I am having with a PID controller on a newly-purchased EBC-330 wort hog (highgravitybrew.com).
Dave at High Gravity Brew has been great with email support and troubleshooting over the last couple weeks and even sent a new module for me to test. I am however sending the whole controller back for him to evaluate because we are both stumped on what could be causing the issue.
The problem appears with the temperature readout on the Mash PID (which is an Auber SYL-2342). The temperature readout (in the Auber manual this is the PV reading) will rapidly fluctuate temperature readings every second. It never settles on a temperature, even in a large volume of room-temperature water. The fluctuation can sometimes be 1-4 degrees, meaning it may read 65f one second, and jump to 69f the next second. This happens regardless of the operating temperature, so even at normal mash temps (152f for example) the reading never stops moving. I understand the readout only shows whole degrees so 152.5 may round up to 153 so to go up or down one degree, over a few seconds seems normal. However, jumping multiple degrees each second is not reasonable and I question the accuracy of the device.
I've swapped around both temperature probes and cables (the probes are precision thermistors in a TC housing and I have two of each) and the issue persists. Even more odd, is that the EBC-330 has another PID controller (Auber EZBoil) with its own temperature readout for the HLT and that temperature is steady and does not fluctuate at all, meaning I set it to 180, and once the water is at 180f, it holds steady.
Also as mentioned, I swapped the controller for another controller that Dave sent out to me and the issue is still present.
I am just curious if anyone else has ever seen this issue with this controller since I know these are used in other brewing systems and since we can't quite figure out what's going on here.
Dave at High Gravity Brew has been great with email support and troubleshooting over the last couple weeks and even sent a new module for me to test. I am however sending the whole controller back for him to evaluate because we are both stumped on what could be causing the issue.
The problem appears with the temperature readout on the Mash PID (which is an Auber SYL-2342). The temperature readout (in the Auber manual this is the PV reading) will rapidly fluctuate temperature readings every second. It never settles on a temperature, even in a large volume of room-temperature water. The fluctuation can sometimes be 1-4 degrees, meaning it may read 65f one second, and jump to 69f the next second. This happens regardless of the operating temperature, so even at normal mash temps (152f for example) the reading never stops moving. I understand the readout only shows whole degrees so 152.5 may round up to 153 so to go up or down one degree, over a few seconds seems normal. However, jumping multiple degrees each second is not reasonable and I question the accuracy of the device.
I've swapped around both temperature probes and cables (the probes are precision thermistors in a TC housing and I have two of each) and the issue persists. Even more odd, is that the EBC-330 has another PID controller (Auber EZBoil) with its own temperature readout for the HLT and that temperature is steady and does not fluctuate at all, meaning I set it to 180, and once the water is at 180f, it holds steady.
Also as mentioned, I swapped the controller for another controller that Dave sent out to me and the issue is still present.
I am just curious if anyone else has ever seen this issue with this controller since I know these are used in other brewing systems and since we can't quite figure out what's going on here.