Is my fermentation moldy now?

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New Member
May 25, 2014
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I just started home brewing and my question is about whether or not I have mold on my ESB.

OG was 1.060 and now it's 1.022 and since it hadn't changed at all for about a week I racked it and put some yeast back on top. I was very careful to use soap and water and then diversol + a rinse for all equipment since I'm a paranoid guy with a science background. I checked it yesterday and it looked good and today I see some more green stuff is on top, which could just be hops, but I'm new at this. Please help!


2014-05-24 11.55.38.jpg

2014-05-25 13.14.40.jpg
Carboy has a normal looking krausen.
I'm wondering about the use of Diversol. After using Diversol for sanitizing it must be well rinsed. Unless you rinse with a sterile solution you could add a contaminant at this point. After the rinse your equipment is open to recontamination. I would suggest switching to something like Starsan. It is a no rinse sanitizer and is effective as long as the equipment is still wet. Contact time for sanitizing is as short as one minute.
Brain slip on my part. Stalled fermentation is quite often due to not pitching enough yeast, pitching dry yeast without rehydrating which can result in underpitching enough viable yeast cells, or poor aeration with liquid or dry yeast.