I was trying out BIAB method for my first ever Czech Lager.
The recipe:
12L spring water
2.5kg Pilsner Malt
75g Saaz Hops
6g Fermentis Saflager S-23
3g yeast nutrient consisting of DAP, and some other stuff
The details of mashing:
I was mashing it at around 68-70C for 60 min, however due to the lack of a bigger pot, i was mashing it without having an excess of water. I was mashing it with 12L of water, and if some of it boiled of, i just added in preheated water, so it would match 70C and 12L in total.
OG: 1.046
The bubbling of the airlock was very intense, however after 3 days it stopped. So i took a gravity reading: 1.022. I let it sit for 4 more days before taking another gravity reading: 1.022. It didn't change a bit! Is it possible the brew is finished with such high gravity? Or is it stalled? I'm not sure what to do now...
EDIT: It was fermenting between 14C-16C in my fermentation chamber.
The recipe:
12L spring water
2.5kg Pilsner Malt
75g Saaz Hops
6g Fermentis Saflager S-23
3g yeast nutrient consisting of DAP, and some other stuff
The details of mashing:
I was mashing it at around 68-70C for 60 min, however due to the lack of a bigger pot, i was mashing it without having an excess of water. I was mashing it with 12L of water, and if some of it boiled of, i just added in preheated water, so it would match 70C and 12L in total.
OG: 1.046
The bubbling of the airlock was very intense, however after 3 days it stopped. So i took a gravity reading: 1.022. I let it sit for 4 more days before taking another gravity reading: 1.022. It didn't change a bit! Is it possible the brew is finished with such high gravity? Or is it stalled? I'm not sure what to do now...
EDIT: It was fermenting between 14C-16C in my fermentation chamber.