Is it safe to move fermenter?

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Feb 18, 2010
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New Jersey
Is it safe to move the primary fermenter during the first day? I keep it in my dining room for now and it's like 75 degrees because someone is baking... I am wondering if it's cool to move it into a cooler room for tonight. The airlock is bubbling pretty good. Thanks.
Due to my small home I have to move my carboy from tub to sink whenever my kids need a bath. Not had a problem with the two batches so far.
60*F is about as cool as you normally want to go for ales.

If you check the manufacturer's website, every strain of yeast will have their operating ranges listed.
Is it safe to move the primary fermenter during the first day?

Should be no problem, unless you're using a carboy with a spunding valve set way too high (as Kevin at Hangar 24 discovered recently.) Doesn't apply to fermentors with normal airlocks tho.
I have been brewing at a friends house the last 8 or so batches and I pitch the yeast before I leave. Then take an 8 mile trip back to the house unload the carboy and take it in to my kitchen.

I also move the carboy 24 hours before I plan on racking to its final resting place. This helps let the yeast and whatnot settle after disturbing it.
My first batch was brewed at a friends house and moved about 30 miles by car and I have had nothing but compliments on the quality of that beer.
Large temperature swings mid-way through fermentation can cause off flavors, but so will fermenting at high temps.