Is FastFerment out of biz? goodwill equipment score

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Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2016
Reaction score
was brousing the local Goodwill and found a huge tote with 2 Fastferment conicals with yeast collection bottles, kettle with sealed top that also doubles as a fermenter, fermenter bucket, 1 gal carboy, assorted odds and ends...

20 bucks. It's like over $400 worth of stuff. Didn't need any of it but 20 bucks is 20 bucks.

One Fastferment has a 1" crack. I can stop drill it and epoxy the crack easy.

Nice deal! Looks like you got a Chapman bucket in there too. What's the thing with the wings near the graduated cylinder?

Morebeer still sells Fastferments.
Nice deal! Looks like you got a Chapman bucket in there too. What's the thing with the wings near the graduated cylinder?

Morebeer still sells Fastferments.
kettle says something like that...chapman or something....didn't look that close. has a weldless fitting 4 top clamps, markings to 6 or 7 gal. Still has a price sticker $139.95.

The wing thing? some kinda stirring thing??? they drop straight down but flip out when you spin it. Maybe to get inside a carboy next and then open to stir?

no stands or wall mounts but can make outta wood
It reminded me of a carboy spinning brush. Now that you mention the stirring, I remember seeing one, it's a degasser for wine. Could be used for mead too.
I'm pretty sure they're out of business. Anything you find for sale online is leftover stock. Replacement parts are drying up.
I have a fastfermenter, but not a fan.
Still, that's a great score, just for the stainless.
I'm pretty sure they're out of business. Anything you find for sale online is leftover stock. Replacement parts are drying up.
I have a fastfermenter, but not a fan.
Still, that's a great score, just for the stainless.
bummer. website is still up but it kinda feels like it's not really active.

problem these days is a small start up has a great idea or product and it gets copied fast and cheaper.
I have used a Chapman like that. Add this ball lock tapping head to the weldless fitting and you can attach a blow off line and do closed transfers. It will hold just enough pressure to get a gravity siphon going if yours doesn’t have a valve, (mine doesn’t but it’s an option).
I don’t believe fastferment is out of business. I know their website disappeared earlier this year and products became very limited. With that being said, their website is back and products seem to be slowly returning.

I know many people are displeased with their fermenters but my brew partner and I love them. Between the 2 of us we have 5 of the 7.9 gallon, 1 of the 14 gallon, and 2 of the 3 gallon. The only issue we have ever experienced was the crappy ball valves on the 3 gallon.

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