I make neipas pretty much exclusively and use the same process every time. I kegged my current one 1 week ago and it has such an intense burn on the finish its almost undrinkeable and I’ve never had this experience. The nose is nice and the initial sip u get the galaxy/mosaic but on the swallow comes the burn. Sure ive gotten a little green hop flavor before but this is a hop burn if it’s that I’ve never experienced and it gets worse the more u try to drink it. So I’m wondering what would make this burn so much more intense to this point that I’ve never experienced it. I know the dh matter should’ve settled and been gone by now in the few pints I’ve pulled off it. So here’s my process on brewing these. Does anything stick out that may cause this issue.
use distilled or RO water and treat to a 2 or 3:1 ratio cal chloride to sulfate, mash ph 5.3. I use .5oz ctz for bittering at 60min. Then boil to my final volume 6.25 gal. I use a mesh bag as my hop spider and do 6oz hopstand from 195deg to 175. Drain and dump the hops then add another 6oz from 175-155deg. Drain and remove hop bag. Chill down and I transfer everything from my kettle to my fermenter. Pure o2 for 60sec then pitch yeast Usually london 3 or imperial juice starter., ferment 68-72 deg. Dh 3oz on day 3 as fermentation dies down, then move fermenter to 72deg for diacetyl rest and dh 3oz again on day 7. Cold crash day 9 for 36hrs then keg. Anything here that would lead to these hop polphenols being so present and unpleasant in this current beer or could it be my kegging technique. I burst carb for 5min then leave for 4-6hrs then degas and hookup to serving pressure At 8-10psi.
use distilled or RO water and treat to a 2 or 3:1 ratio cal chloride to sulfate, mash ph 5.3. I use .5oz ctz for bittering at 60min. Then boil to my final volume 6.25 gal. I use a mesh bag as my hop spider and do 6oz hopstand from 195deg to 175. Drain and dump the hops then add another 6oz from 175-155deg. Drain and remove hop bag. Chill down and I transfer everything from my kettle to my fermenter. Pure o2 for 60sec then pitch yeast Usually london 3 or imperial juice starter., ferment 68-72 deg. Dh 3oz on day 3 as fermentation dies down, then move fermenter to 72deg for diacetyl rest and dh 3oz again on day 7. Cold crash day 9 for 36hrs then keg. Anything here that would lead to these hop polphenols being so present and unpleasant in this current beer or could it be my kegging technique. I burst carb for 5min then leave for 4-6hrs then degas and hookup to serving pressure At 8-10psi.