Idopheor taste???

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Active Member
Aug 3, 2010
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I just racked my Oktoberfest to a secondary after 10 days of fermenting. I tried all of the must that I used for gauging the gravity. Every sip I tried was tastey but it had a very familiar taste.......IDOPHEOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there anything I can do? I racked to the secondary...that I sanitized with Idopher.......Or is this just a primary smell that will dissipate with the 5 weeks I need to secondary ferment?:(:mad:
i've used iodophor from the start, and have never tasted it in my brews. if you dumped it all out from the kegs/bottles, whichever you use, it'll be alright. likely you just need to let it age a few weeks, being it's oktoberfest
Thanks guys. Big help. It really started to worry me but I am now confident it's cool. I was really thinking I should have rinsed it out with water. But my city water is so chlorinated I thought that would defeat the purpose of the idopher. Thanks again.
no, don't wash it out after sanitizing. you're right; it would defeat the purpose of the iodophor. sanitize it, make sure you dump out all the sanitized water, then fill.
I use a strong solution of Iodophor because I don't like to wait for it to do its thing. I rinse my equipment with tap water and never had any problems with contamination or off taste.
Thanks guys. Big help. It really started to worry me but I am now confident it's cool. I was really thinking I should have rinsed it out with water. But my city water is so chlorinated I thought that would defeat the purpose of the idopher. Thanks again.

Not to scare or make you worry; I also have a high chlorine level in my water and every brew I made had the same taste. It wasn't until I started to charcoal filter all my water I use for brewing that it finally went away. I wonder if the taste isn't from the chlorine since I does taste similar to Iodine / band aid.
Did you top off with cold water? Again, not make you worry, just a thought. Everyone here is right however, given more time the taste does fade a bit, but once you know it's there, it is hard to not taste
My tap water tastes like chlorine, and I use sodium metabisulfate (sp?) to get rid of the chlorine in my water for brewing. Something like 1/20 tsp per five gallons. One dose each for mash water, sparge water, and yeast rinsing water.
I use a strong solution of Iodophor because I don't like to wait for it to do its thing. I rinse my equipment with tap water and never had any problems with contamination or off taste.

If you are rinsing after sanitization you are defeating the purpose of sanitizing in the first place. I gurantee you that your well or municipal supply water has a higher occurance of biological contaminates than a sanitized vessel even at normal strength.

Perhaps, for you, a better solution is StarSan and RO water and no fear of foam.

The reality is, if your cleaning practices are sound then sanitization is not necessary at all but is worth using as it provides a measure iof insurance. While in contrast if you do experience an infection it is doubtful taht the sanitizer is to blame and a brewers core cleaning regimine is suspect.