I want to buy rhizomes now

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Jul 4, 2008
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Freshop and hoptech won't sell rhizomes till 15 march.. I want to buy rhizomes now...

any suggestions?

Thank you

NO ONE has Rhisomes until the spring season when the yards do their pre-season prep.

At most, you might find some non descript seed in a catalog, somewhere.

What's the freakin rush? It's winter ya' know.
Hop rhizomes are generally sold during a narrow window in the spring.

If you *have* to find some now, search the net for groups that share/swap hop rhizomes.
Perhaps you can find someone moving their plants who will divide and share.
What's your location? I have a couple of 1g pots with Cascade or Willamette rhizomes currently dormant. If you're near you're welcome to them...
If you think getting a start on the growing season will help by growing indoors, it won't. Hops grow with the hours of sun they get. As the days get longer they grow in their vegetative cycle. After the summer solstice is when they start flowering. Hops also need 8 weeks of cold temperatures for their dormant period.
I can understand wanting to get your oder in now. Two years ago I wanted hops and I could not find anyone to take my order. When the season opened up I was slammed at work and totally forgot until they were sold out.

Early this year (2009) I pre-ordered with Thyme Garden, the only place I could find that would accept orders in the off season. Once the season opened up my rhizomes arrived.
I will be pre selling in a week http://www.coloradoorganichops.com/ will be doing same deal as last year for group members Cheers Glen

Heya Glen,
Has there been any testing with Summit here? I want to try planting some this year, just curious if you or CSU has tried summit. Also did you find a way to malt all that barley you had? My malting season is coming up soon and I'll be working on my latest device (Continuous rotating, steeping/sprouting/growing/drying/kilning/smoking/crystalling/roasting, etc . . . . . malt bin) Should be able to do appx. 300lbs at a time.
Heya Glen,
Has there been any testing with Summit here? I want to try planting some this year, just curious if you or CSU has tried summit. Also did you find a way to malt all that barley you had? My malting season is coming up soon and I'll be working on my latest device (Continuous rotating, steeping/sprouting/growing/drying/kilning/smoking/crystalling/roasting, etc . . . . . malt bin) Should be able to do appx. 300lbs at a time.

I think Summit is propritary no CSU stuff I know of.I am going to be silent about CSUs research.I will discuss it in private . not sure very interested in your malting,would love to do a brew,would really enjoy helping with a batch.I am not sure what Godin did w the barley
Brewing Clamper

Thank you guys, can't thank you enough.
Has there been any testing with Summit here? I want to try planting some this year, just curious if you or CSU has tried summit.
My malting season is coming up soon and I'll be working on my latest device (Continuous rotating, steeping/sprouting/growing/drying/kilning/smoking/crystalling/roasting, etc . . . . . malt bin) Should be able to do appx. 300lbs at a time.

Wow Vern--
I would love an invite to see your malt bin. I will bring beer! Been down to Alamosa to see the Big Bertha 5 ton at Colorado Malt? The organic Hotchkiss barley was sold to Rebel Malting in Reno http://www.rebelmalting.com/

Neither Ron nor Larry or Randy or I have grown Summit. Why Summit? Because it is a dwarf hedgerow hops or just the intense fruity cause you can't get Amarillo?

Spring is Coming!
Wow Vern--
I would love an invite to see your malt bin. I will bring beer! Been down to Alamosa to see the Big Bertha 5 ton at Colorado Malt? The organic Hotchkiss barley was sold to Rebel Malting in Reno http://www.rebelmalting.com/

Neither Ron nor Larry or Randy or I have grown Summit. Why Summit? Because it is a dwarf hedgerow hops or just the intense fruity cause you can't get Amarillo?

Spring is Coming!

The malt bin is not operational yet, I still need a pump, some valves and a heating element as well as other unsundry things. I'll probably invite everyone when it is up and malting.

Was looking for summit for a mango flavor but if amarillo gives me that I would try it (trying to make a decent brew akin to odells extra special red).:mug:
I'll go looking for Summit rhizomes
Haven't been able to procure or swap for Amarillo or sadly Simcoe

You have barley still stored? I have Monrovian 69 1T and Alexis 1/2T

Have 5lbs of Craft from CSU Cant figure if I am supposed to grow it or malt it
I'll go looking for Summit rhizomes
Haven't been able to procure or swap for Amarillo or sadly Simcoe

You have barley still stored? I have Monrovian 69 1T and Alexis 1/2T

Have 5lbs of Craft from CSU Cant figure if I am supposed to grow it or malt it

You have 1 and 1/2 tons of barley? Maybe when I get my process going we can do some swapping.
I have about 150lbs of barley left but it is all 6 row (feed).