I need some suggestions for my 40th ....

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Jan 7, 2008
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Maple Grove
The next batch of beer will be my 40th batch. I would like to see what you guys can suggest as a "special" brew for this batch.

I have a fair amount of grains at home, and would like to use as much of that, without going out and buying more. That said, I will probably have to buy my yeast anyway, so here is a rundown of my current grain stockpile:

38# 30*L caramel malt, 20# 6 row malt, 2 1/2# flaked maize, 2# US Vienna malt, 6# Black Patent malt, 4# Belgian aromatic malt, 4# Belgian biscuit malt, 2# 80*L caramel malt, 4# 120*L caramel malt, 1# 53*-60*L CaraMunich malt, 1# 19*-23*L CaraVienna malt, 3# smoked malt, 1# rice syrup solids, 2# 675*L English roasted barley, 2# English roasted malted barley, 13 oz. chocolate malt, 1# carapils,

As you can see, I have quite the collection of grains. This is what's left after brewing four batches over the last month. :drunk:

I also have, vacuumed and in my freezer, a selection of hops too.

3oz. Chinook pellets, 1 oz. No. Brewer pellets, 2 oz. Fuggle pellets, 2 oz. Fuggle leaf, 4 oz. Williamette plugs, 1 oz Hallertau pellets, 1 oz Erocia pellets, 3 oz. Liberty leaf, 6 oz. Mt. Hood pellets, 2 oz. Saaz pellets, and 3 oz. Nugget leaf, plus about a pound of homegrown Nugget, dried and vacuumed in 1 oz packs.

Go ahead, see what I have, and make your suggestions. I want this one to be a special brew.

Thanks :rockin:
A light american lager. One that doesn't let you hide flaws. And while you're at it - Beachwood age that bad boy!
Double IPA? Rye IPA? Maybe a belgian Quadruppel? Chocolate oatmeal stout? Banana porter? Curry Lager? I'm just throwin' out random ideas.

You didn't tell us much about what YOU like, just what you have. Give us a little more to go off of here.
The light American Lager, beechwood aged, is something I have thought about for a long time. I even have a webpage booked, dealing with that.

Some of the bigger brews are OK, but my signature is current, and I have a few going right now. The malt liquor is also one that I thought about, being my 40th.

Keep 'em coming
I say a nice big belgian tripple..something that will age for a long time and can be enjoyed for years..this way you can look back and say this was number 40!! years later. It seems you have stout and lager covered for the moment.

As per Google, the 40th wedding anniversary is traditionally rubies. You could work that color into a brew; not a standard Irish Red, but maybe a monstous, reddish IIPA (if you like those kinds of things), or a huge Belgian with a good amount of Special B and some darker candi syrup to get in that same color range.

That's funny you mention "red" beer. My CherrBerr Lager is exactly that color. I wanted to try something different, and decided to make a fruit lager, using cherries and raspberries.

I like experimenting with beer. I haven't had one I couldn't drink yet, so I'm up for just about anything.