I dont know how to use a Hydrometer

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Feb 18, 2005
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I need help. I dont know how to read a hydrometer or how to set it up to take a proper reading. Do I need some special type of glass or something? Please help. :confused:
Draw a sample into a container taller that the hydrometer, and put it in to float. One scale will be labelled SG that is the one you want, take the reading from the scale and write it down. You should have recieved instructions with the tool and on there will be a temperature correction table. for whatever the temperature apply the correction listed and there you are.

It goes without saying that everything in contact with the wort must be sanitized when you take the readings. Personally I cheat and just sanitize the hydrometer and drop it into the bucket to get my reading.

Nah, never mind. You just float it in the liquid you're testing. Temperature correction is very important if you want any real kind of reading.

Or you could just throw the useless thing away. Sorry gang, couldn't resist ;)
Well, OK...I don't use a hydrometer becau...

Hey, wait! You're baiting me! Not on a Friday my friend. I'm mere hours from drinking some beers and starting a long, if rainy, weekend. No matter how stupid using a hydrometer is in the first place, I'll not get into this again.

:D Happy hydrometering all! :D
Janx said:
Well, OK...I don't use a hydrometer becau...

Hey, wait! You're baiting me! Not on a Friday my friend. I'm mere hours from drinking some beers and starting a long, if rainy, weekend. No matter how stupid using a hydrometer is in the first place, I'll not get into this again.

:D Happy hydrometering all! :D

...and you thought you could get away with it?.....have a couple of good ones! :D
homebrewer_99 said:
...and you thought you could get away with it?.....have a couple of good ones! :D

(can't help myself). Well 99, just to let you know I checked my apricot wheat before bottling last night and it was at 1.017 from 1.019 after racking 2 weeks ago. I even documented it in my spreadsheet. Proud of me?


Janx, you could always petition to have hydrometer added to the banned word list for the site :D
desertBrew said:
(can't help myself). Well 99, just to let you know I checked my apricot wheat before bottling last night and it was at 1.017 from 1.019 after racking 2 weeks ago. I even documented it in my spreadsheet. Proud of me?


Janx, you could always petition to have hydrometer added to the banned word list for the site :D

Yes, I am Grasshopper, but do you think you benefitted from knowing that information?

HAHA!! That's a good one, have Janx ban the word "hydrometer". :D :D
I read Cereel's post about 6:30 this morning and I thought, oh no, here we go again.... :p You guys made my day. I have been having a boring day at work and when I get back on here to see how far this has gone....you didn't disappoint me. Now if I could just explain to everyone around my cube why I am laughing so hard......

I love my hydrometer, I was thinking of getting it a little frilly thing to wear when I use it, maybe some red and white lace....Oopps, wrong forum, I thought I was alt.sex.hydrometer. :eek:
See, I knew there was *something* y'all liked about those things. I'm just not into that kind of thing. It's all leather and velcro for Janx.
Heh... everytime I see a thread about hydrometers, I scroll down to see what words Janx decided to use to say "throw it away". LOL.
we could have rightwingnut add it (hyrometer) to the swear filter... hydrometer could be replaced with 'essential brewing instrument' or 'anal rententive brewing instrument'
t1master said:
we could have rightwingnut add it (hyrometer) to the swear filter... hydrometer could be replaced with 'essential brewing instrument' or 'anal rententive brewing instrument'

I see that poor Cereel hasn't posted anything here since he asked his question. I think you all scared him away.

btw....I think it is safe to officially say...threadjack