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Would you keep the same percentages of grain when brewing a 5.5 gallon batch?

Just brewed this up this afternoon- fun brew day, aside from the couple of stuck sparges, despite the rice hulls- did about a half pound of 'em- should have done the whole pound, I guess. Mashed a little low- 149. Hit 1.072 for my post boil OG- boiled hard for 90 mins, plus satellite boiled an extra gallon or so of the runnings when my pot filled up, then combined the two at 30 mins to go as the volume was reduced enough to get it all together. My question is this: since my OG is so high, should I still at the candi sugar (I grabbed a pound of D90 in liquid form for ease of adding once the yeast have chewed on the big 3 malt sugars for a few days)? I pitched 2L of healthy, well oxygenated and nutrified 3711 this evening at 70 degrees where it will sit for duration of fermentation, aside from natural metabolic temperature increases. Curious what those that are following this thread, those that have brewed it, and hopefully the op have to say about adding the candi sugar still, or not. Thanks in advance for your input!
Would you keep the same percentages of grain when brewing a 5.5 gallon batch?![]()
Brewed this yesterday. Everything went exceptionally well (except I forgot to add the last .5 oz of hops at flame-out). Going to be the beer for our Jack & Jill baby shower on May 4th. So that leaves 5 weeks in the fermentor and 4 weeks in the bottle.
5 Gallon Batch
OG = 1058
9 lbs Belgian Pils
3 lbs Rye Malt
.6 lbs Candi Sugar (light and dark)
1.5 oz of U.S. Goldings at 60 min. (Styrian not available)
.5 oz U.S. Goldings at flame-out (forgot to add)
90 min Mash at 150* (1 lb of rice hulls) 5.5 gallons of H2O
Sparge water = 2.5 gallons at 170*
Unfortunately the local shop was out of 3711 so I opted for the WLP565. Pitched at about 75*. Bubbling away nice now.
I'm brewing this in the weekend, but I will be using WLP670 (American Farmhouse Blend). Should be good I reckon!
Question about the OG and the sugar...
I'm getting 1.058 at 73% mash efficiency with the pils & rye alone. With the additional 2 lbs. of dark rock candi sugar added at flameout, the OG should be affected by several points. Shouldn't that boost the OG to more like 1.064? Or was your efficiency more like 67%, which would negate this dilemma?
Question on the hop selection...
If you wanted to use a more characterful American grown hop here, which one would you recommend? I'm thinking Sorachi Ace or Amarillo. And do you recommend pellets over leaf hops for this beer?
Did you enjoy the taste/feel of the brew more with your initial 1.058/1.004 gravities or more at the present time, e.g. 1.070/1.004, I assume?
Same as my last reply. Let us know how it turns out!
I've read you can tape the probe to the side of the glass carboy if I wrap the probe with bubble wrap. If this is true do I wrap the entire probe w/ bubble wrap and then tape it to side of fermentor or do I tape probe to the side of the fermentor and then wrap bubble wrap on the side?
Stoked to brew this. So I just got my chest freezer and temperature control for my fermentation chamber. What temp should I set my chest freezer at in order to get fermentation temp of 71? Or I've read you can tape the probe to the side of the glass carboy if I wrap the probe with bubble wrap. If this is true do I wrap the entire probe w/ bubble wrap and then tape it to side of fermentor or do I tape probe to the side of the fermentor and then wrap bubble wrap on the side?
usurpers26 said:The WY3711 is really what makes this beer. I would order it online or ask your LBHS to order it for you before substituting.
I brewed up 10 gallons of this this weekend.
I made my starter based on the OG listed in the recipe (1.058) but ended up getting an OG of ~1.074. Oops. It was fermenting within 6 hours. This is my first time using 3711 and I am surprised by how the krausen doesn't blow up like other yeasts. It's there an about 1.5" thick, but not risking needing a blow off tube at all. Very nice!
True? I thought wlp565 = wy3724 and wlp566=wy3711?
That is going to be a beast...
Not any more than most people who followed the recipe. The OG listed is assuming 64% efficiency for some reason. Even the OP talks about having an OG > 1.070. It must just be a typo and I hadn't noticed when making the starter.
It has been noted that the yeast is underpitched by about 20% as to stress the yeast a little for more ester production. What is the base pitching rate assumption? Is it 1.0 or 0.75 million per ml per Plato? I've seen both used. I believe the Mr. Malty calculator uses 0.75.
You could always run the numbers and see how much that would up your OG.
We add the sugar during the boil as we feel it gives it a slightly extra layer of flavor, or probably better to say complexity.
Has anyone done a low alcohol version? say less than 4.5 %. If so, please let us know what you did and how it came out.