How many gallons of homebrew in 2016?

Homebrew Talk

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So far....

2 Gallons Chocolate Malt Stout (1 gal w/ coco nibs) (Mini BIAB)
2 Gallons NB Ranger Clone (Mini BIAB)
2 Gallons Irish Red Ale (Mini BIAB)

Currently in Primary

5.5 Gallons Nugget Nectar Clone (first full AG batch)
+ 5.5 "Zombie, Not So Zombie, or BBB (Bitter Bitter Bit*h)" ZD clone
+5.5 Saturday IPA

adding up the others that no one did.....
8784.1 (left out the Primary. Someone can add it in if they want.)
+ 5.5 "Zombie, Not So Zombie, or BBB (Bitter Bitter Bit*h)" ZD clone
+5.5 Saturday IPA

adding up the others that no one did.....
8784.1 (left out the Primary. Someone can add it in if they want.)

Once it's in the fermenter it counts. +5.5 from Ghunter
=8800.5 (that .1 is a typo from a while back, and who tracks tenths of gallons?)
Edes Falls Imperial Pale Ale in the bottle, conditioning

Next up is Saison du Sauvin and then an Extra Pale Ale. Blonde Bombshell Tripel, and a bourbon oaked Imperial Stout to age for the holdiays....
Edes Falls Imperial Pale Ale in the bottle, conditioning

Next up is Saison du Sauvin and then an Extra Pale Ale. Blonde Bombshell Tripel, and a bourbon oaked Imperial Stout to age for the holdiays....

Mind adding in your volumes and totaling it up with everyone else (at least for the stuff you've brewed thus far)?
8085 gallons. 5 gallons citrus cascade hop pale ale experiment (had a few to many while making this and used a 3 gallon grain bill in a 5 gallon batch so this will be a easy summer drinking beer), 5 gallons Guinness clone, 5 gallons German Weissbier, 3 gallons of espresso chocolate stout.
added up the previous post from Izzie and got 8816 + 18 gal of his all together = 8834. so....

8834 + 5 Gal nitro IPA

added up the previous post from Izzie and got 8816 + 18 gal of his all together = 8834. so....

8834 + 5 Gal nitro IPA


Wow I was way out. Must have been scrolled up while I was posting and took an older posts total. Using the iPhone app
2-20-16 5 gal. Fuller's London Porter
2-20-16 5 gal. Speciale Export
3-6-16 5 gal. Sarah Hughes Dark Ruby
3-19-16 5 gal. Scottish 70/-
4-2-16 5 gal. JW Lees 1952 Best Mild
4-23-16 5 gal. Mild Mannered Ale
5-6-16 5 gal. 3x Gold Bitter
5-21-16 10 gal. Strangeways Bitter

45 gallons so far this year

8934 + 45 = 8979