This is a thread for beer, there is another one for cider. I am assuming the graff is fine to include.Last week 5.5 gallons of Graff and Cream Ale. This weekend 5 gallons of Black Currant Cider and 5 Gallons of Blonde Ale
1390.5 + 21= 1411.5 Gallons
Just to be anal the thread title does say beer, just what have you brewed.This is a thread for beer, there is another one for cider. I am assuming the graff is fine to include.
total = 1406.5
1. It's in the "Home Brewing Beer" section of the forum; there's a separate section for wine, mead, cider, and sake.Just to be anal the thread title does say beer, just what have you brewed.
Some years the rules for what can be included have been more open that is why I said assume. As grafs and braggots have a malt component seems reasonable to allow them to be included in the total.Just to be anal the thread title does say beer, just what have you brewed.
Jesus that’s going to be a boozy wedding.Six batches of Belgian tripels for my daughter's wedding = 28.5
1420.5+28.5 = 1449 gallons
5 Gallons Weissbier1454 + 10 = 1464
Add in 50 gallons from group brew or no? Consensus?
Hmm. We brewed on a giant club setup, but similar would be to count only the 5 gallons that constituted my share.I'd include whatever volume came off your setup.