Five gallons Happy Halfwit Ale, my fake Belgian tripely kind of thing. Brewed 10/13 and already magnificent. You know what they say about blind hogs and acorns.
3824 + 5 = 3829 gallons
3824 + 5 = 3829 gallons
Belgian Trippel (2006 World Beer Cup Gold Medal: Dragonmead Final Absolution clone)
10 gallons + 3933 = 3943
It looks like the above total should be changed.
10 gallons +3938 = 3948
Thanks. Site filters that I have enabled distort my perspective.Clint Yeastwood added 5 gallons to the running total of 3933 to get to 3938.
Then rkhanso added 10 gallons to the same 3933.
Chorgey recognized the faux pas and rectified same, bringing the correct total to 3948, before adding another 5 gallons to get to 3953...
Totally my fault. I used the first number I saw, not the sum.8 Gallons Wiessbier
5 Gallons Int'l Lager
3,973 + 13 gallons = 3986
But I still don't understand what happened here: