how long will lager keep

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Jan 14, 2008
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hi everyone im new to the site and new to home brewing so ive got loads to ask anyway my lager as been ready since the 10 december will it still be ok plus when i put the gas in the keg it comes back out through the bit the bottle screws in what can i do to stop it thanks karl .
In general, homebrew lasts a long time and in fact often gets at its peak at 2-3 months after brewing.

I don't understand the last half of your question, sorry.
karl said:
hi everyone im new to the site and new to home brewing so ive got loads to ask anyway my lager as been ready since the 10 december will it still be ok plus when i put the gas in the keg it comes back out through the bit the bottle screws in what can i do to stop it thanks karl .

Your inquiry answer to be yes let it sit for a few months plus the screws screw and should be crowns instead and you stop it by using good beer bottles that don't screw with you also run on sentences am not good and proper speakage will get you bonus points.
cheers yooperbrew what i mean is when i go to have a pint and i fill the barral with the gas the gas is not staying in the barral it is leaking back out of the valve where you put the gas bottle on .hope i explained it a bit better thanks
Well, not really! What kind of barrel are you talking about? Could you find a picture online and post a picture or a link? I don't know where exactly you're saying it's leaking. Do you use a keg, a barrel, or something else? Are you using a co2 bottle to push the beer or something else? I just don't understand what you are telling us!
I THINK he is saying that it is leaking at the post on the keg? IF so...replace o-ring.

If he is saying it is leaking at the CO2 bottle - where the regulator attaches...then he probably is missing the gasket...

Just a guess...I got a headache trying to decipher his original post. :drunk:

Sounds to me like he's getting beer back up into the gas line. In which case the keg is overfilled and the head-space wasn't purged when the gas was connected (thereby equalizing the pressure).
im not the best on computers so dont no how to send pics or links sorry. it is a keg and leaks where i put the co2 in.sorry about this it is my first time at brewing but thanks for your time.
Not a problem...just trying to figure out what is going on...

How full is the keg? Did you fill it to the rim..or did you leave alittle space at the top?

no, that's ok! I'm just trying to figure out what the problem is (as are the other guys), not trying to give you a hard time!

Does it look just like the picture here?

And it's leaking where the tubing and that disconnect meet? I think that's what it sounds like, but please correct me if I'm wrong.

And it doesn't leak all the time? Only when you dispense some beer? Or are you actually leaking all the time?
justmrwill has anwsered it i will try the o ring.thanks everyone karl
just looked at that picture yooperbrew im not that advanced mate. mines in a plastic keg with a co2 bottle and you scew it on the valve on the lid .
A little lag...I edited my post after I saw that you weren't using the cornie keg setup as pictured...

It may still be just an o-ring issue...I am not familiar with the tap-a-keg system though..

Hmmm...not a tap-a-keg...

Do you have a name on the system?

Do you use the little 12 oz CO chargers or a larger 5 lb/ 10lb/20lb CO2 tank?

How big is your keg?

Is this it? If so I'd say you overfilled.

If it was only 3/4 full, what was coming out of the top? Was it foam? If that's the case I'd wonder if it was done fermenting, you shouldn't get foam like that in the keg (I'm assuming you aren't agitating it).
hi all, it was the o ring that had gone changed it and everythings good.even the beer thanks again karl .