So we all know that beer brewing uses a LOT of water; for the strike, the sparge, chilling, cleaning, etc. Depending on where you live, water usage might not be very cheap. So, my question to all; how do you strive to reduce your water usage? No-chill, ice from the store, re-use water for cleaning, what have you. Here's me: I use a plate chiller, aka BIG water eater. If that chilling water is just running out into the street, down the drain, it's $$. Recently I started running my water-out hose from the chiller into the backyard; this gives the added bonus of watering the backyard, and the slightly snarky bonus of some of my nosier neighbors not making nasty comments about me "wasting" water. I heat up a few extra gallons of water with the sparge; what's left in the HLT after brewday is used to flush the pump, hoses, and chiller (both ways), and runs into the then-empty BK. That water (still hot!) is then used to scrub out the BK. Then it gets drained into my industrial mop bucket, and is used to clean up any spills/messes on the garage floor. By that time it's kinda dirty, but my garage floor doesn't care; a bit of fabuloso added to the bucket and we are sparkling clean. Dirty fabuloso mop water then gets dumped down the toilet, not to the street; makes the bathroom smell better, and I use the brush to do a quick scrub of the bowl as well.