Hot spots in Mash tun?!?!

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Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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I was mashing away 10 gallons of Centennial Blonde. After doughing in, my temp was 148 instead of 150. So I took my trusty heat stick and used it to increase the temp to 150 or so. Took a lot longer than I thought, though.

I stirred a bit, then let it mash away. After about half an hour I noticed the temp had risen to 152. I decide to release a bit of heat by stirring.

Well, hot damn, as I stirred the temp soared almost to 160. I used some ice and stirring to bring it back down. It was at 144 before I knew it and I had to use the heat stick again.

I'm wondering if my thermometer is malfunctioning or if I need to do a better job stirring. Things is, I try to be cautious of bumping the thermometer stem too much. It's mounted thru a drilled stopper and I once bumped it and it began leaking and I had to stop and get it seated right again.

So what do you think? Hot spots? Poor stirring? Faulty thermometer?

Can anyone recommend a digital thermometer to me? When I'm trying to really dial in the temp the dial thermometer makes it rough on my eyes.

Hope the beer turns out!:mug:
I like the thermometer, but price is steep for me.

I'm thinking of going RIMS in part because it's damn hard to stir a square mash tun with SS braid and 4.5" thermocouple sticking into it.
As said above, stir more and wait a few minutes for the temp to stabilize. I never bothered mounting a thermometer, as I find it helpful to move it around the tun to check several spots for consistent readings. I have several of the inexpensive digital sticks available most anywhere and they seem pretty darn accurate.
Stir more. Also if possible use another thermometer to take readings around the mash. Also what I usually do is dough in a few degrees hotter than what I should, as it will lose heat as I am stirring. I do infusion mashes in a cooler, so I dont direct fire the tun.

Also, just got a thermapen as a gift...looking forward to trying that out in the mash.

If you don't want to drop the cash on a thermapen, the taylor brand of digital instant read thermometers are pretty good. You can usually find them at target. usually 10-20 bucks.