HOT DAMN!!! Raise a Mug to My Wife!!

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Yah! That's the big one for enlisted personnel, kind of like going from the assembly line to shop steward.
Yep, E6 is generally the bottleneck point for enlisted promotions. I'd better get cracking, as I'm testing for E7 in a week!

And I'd love to brew her something, but she hates beer. The first thing I'm going to do, though, when I get to OK is start up a sweet mead for her.

Thanks fellas, this is a good day. :D
SwAMi75 said:
Yep, E6 is generally the bottleneck point for enlisted promotions. I'd better get cracking, as I'm testing for E7 in a week!

And I'd love to brew her something, but she hates beer. The first thing I'm going to do, though, when I get to OK is start up a sweet mead for her.

Thanks fellas, this is a good day. :D
Congratulations to your wife and good luck to you! :mug:
You 2 in the Airforce?

Just wondering in the Navy E7 is the pita one to get. From what I hear in the Marines E2 is ruff . . . they have to be able to tie thier boots:p

Oh yeah and Grats 2 you
That's awesome!! I know how hard it can be, my Father was Sr Master when he retired and had to turn down Chief Master becuase my Mom wanted out.
I have to be honest... I have ABSOLUTLY NO IDEA what any of this means. But a hardy congrats to the misus. Sounds like she desearves a party (of course you would supply the beer supply).
Beer Snob said:
I have to be honest... I have ABSOLUTLY NO IDEA what any of this means. But a hardy congrats to the misus. Sounds like she desearves a party (of course you would supply the beer supply).

Good, I was starting to feel like the only one who doesn't speak military.

I'll still throw mad props at the M-R-S on getting her alpha-numeric shizilated on the upside. Woot! Making them ends is tough in this one big crazy, and sounds like she's hittin' it on all sides.
E-6 is a big deal..... I think this promo is endorsed by congress....

I was in the USMC, E-6 was a staff sgt. Which usually in include a certificate from a lot of mucky-mucks.

Cheers with your best HB!

Cheesefood said:
I'll still throw mad props
"Please congradulate"

Cheesefood said:
at the M-R-S
your wife

Cheesefood said:
on getting her alpha-numeric shizilated on the upside.
for being promoted to E-6

Cheesefood said:

Cheesefood said:
Making them ends is tough
Getting a promotion is difficult

Cheesefood said:
in this one big crazy,
in today's economy

Cheesefood said:
and sounds like she's hittin' it on all sides.
but it sounds like she's doing great.

Oh stewardess, I speak jive. You just hang back, blood. Big momma gonna catch up with a rebound on the medici.

Chump don't want no help, chump don't get no help.