Hot Break? Burnt LME? A few newbie questions

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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It has been quite a long time since I brewed beer. About a year actually, but as always, once I do a batch I get all back into it.

My friend asked me to brew some beer for his wedding. Honored, I have set out to make sure I do everything "right". I did Northern Brewers Black IPA last night.

I had some problems. I know the DWRHAHB saying but wanted input/answers on a few things.

I made a yeast starter. Put it in my fermantation chamber (fridge with controller) and forgot to let the fridge warm up before changing the temp. I left it in there for 2 days while it warmed up to 65(from 45 degrees on the first day). I could see the yeasties doing their thing, but do you think I stressed the yeast? Or does that only happen when dumping in water too warm?

Does a hot break subside? Or is it supposed to last the whole boil?

I burnt some LME while doing a late addition of LME to the boil (I did a full 5 gallon boil). It left black spot about the size of 3 inches in diameter, so it doesn't look like I burnt much. My hydrometer sample doesn't taste burnt, so I think I should be ok. Has anyone burnt LME and how much did you burn/how did your beer end up?

I also forgot to add my flameout hops and 1lb of corn sugar until the wort was cooling at 150 degrees. Anything to be worried about here?

Yeast starter - cold temperatures can affect yeast. Normally it would put them to sleep/slow down reproduction. Since it took two days to warm them up, there's the possibility that your starter wasn't as big as you planned when you pitched. Since you saw some action, this is probably not a huge deal. They just might have to go through the growth phase during fermentation instead of during the starter development. Some folks say this can cause off-flavors. I've never had an issue with it.

Hot break - Most of mine usually goes away, but I have to turn the heat down a bit. I don't think it's a big deal if you had some throughout the boil.

Flameout hops - it's possible the wort was still hot enough to pull some of the hop oils out, but I'm guessing you won't have as strong an aroma as if you would have added them during the boil.

Flameout corn sugar - the most important thing is for the sugar to have dissolved into the wort so the yeast can eat it. If you didn't see clumps after moving into the fermenter, you are probably fine.

Burnt LME - yep, done it, similar size as to what you did. Beer turned out fine and I learned to turn off the heat when adding LME.

I think you'll be fine - RDWHAHB