Hops raise blood pressure

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Active Member
Jul 4, 2008
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I read somewhere that hops raise blood pressure, How do you avoid this if you drink beer daily? :rockin:
Since you posted in the Hop Growing area, I must agree. Trying to grow hops raises my blood pressure.
I have heard the exact opposite. Hops are calming.

My blood pressure only raises when SWMBO shrieks "ARE YOU GOING OUT TO LOOK AT YOUR HOPS AGAIN????"
On t.v i saw where hops will help a women grow bigger ****s.

That raises my blood pressure when a busty women is drinking a IPA :mug:

sorry guys, I read this in a hurry 1 month ago, didn't read the details. I made a little search 1 minute ago and it says Hops raise "low" blood pressure and lower high blood pressure, (i.e. regulate blood pressure).

Didn't find one in English. the source is written in Arabic.
sweet so as along as I drink lots of exstra hoppy dbl IPA's im have a healthy heart...liver wont like it though.
The source is in Arabic...hmmm... don't muslims abstain?
Yes, I live in a muslim country and drinking any kind of alcohol (not only date wine as david said) is prohibited. so you can obey and worship God properly.:rockin: alcohol is a sin. so if religious police (mutawa) find you having a beer you'll spend the rest of the night in jail. :D I LIVE IN THIS COUNTRY :(
However, the source was talking about blood pressure not alcohol. plus not all Arabs are Muslims, there are Christians Jews and the most importantly and the minority I like are atheists.
On t.v i saw where hops will help a women grow bigger ****s.

That raises my blood pressure when a busty women is drinking a IPA :mug:

I don't know about women, but it will for men.

The estrogenic compounds in hops are very similar to human estrogen. Anecdotal stories from the late 1800's are of women all menstruating 3 days after harvest began and men starting lactation. Then there's "brewer's drop", which doesn't refer to the beer belly...
I don't know about women, but it will for men.

The estrogenic compounds in hops are very similar to human estrogen. Anecdotal stories from the late 1800's are of women all menstruating 3 days after harvest began and men starting lactation. Then there's "brewer's drop", which doesn't refer to the beer belly...

Very true. Hops contains phyto-estrogens ("plant estrogens") and in botanical medicine can be used in conjunction with other herbs to balance female hormones. On the plus side, hops are quite calming and good for digestion (especially indigestion due to anxiety). I'm not sure which of those properties transfer over to beer, but those are its uses in alcohol tinctures.