Well-Known Member
Has there been any discussion or thoughts on soil contamination in the cascade region and last years hops crop? Is it a concern?
As a certified radiation worker, who has followed the Japanese incident, I'd say no. What radioactive materials that were released, were released in sea water. It is extremely unlikely any of the particles will become airborne and end up raining out. They are too heavy to evaporate. There isn't any other way for the material to get into the soil here.
By the way, all of the soil in the area is naturally radioactive. So are you and your dog and your house. The best ways to restrict your exposure are to never fly anywhere, don't eat bananas and stay out of brick buildings.
Radioactive K-40 has an isotopic abundance of 0.01% and a half-life of 1.25 billion years. The average banana contains around 450 mg of potassium and will experience about 14 decays each second. It's no big deal. You already have potassium in your body, 0.01% as K-40.
Sort of a running joke in the community. Same as "Sleeping with another person increases your radiation exposure more than working in a nuclear power plant." Also true and not a problem.
Has there been any discussion or thoughts on soil contamination in the cascade region and last years hops crop? Is it a concern?
Yes: While nearly all of the hops escaped unscathed, all of the Citra, Amarillo and Simcoe hops are highly contaminated. Don't buy any of those for the next 20 years. No, make that 30, just to be safe.
(This might just work!)
ChshreCat said:The bigger question should be... if you drink beer made with radioactive hops, what kind of super powers would you end up with?
The bigger question should be... if you drink beer made with radioactive hops, what kind of super powers would you end up with?