Hops candy

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2014
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So I bought I bag of hops candy and something ticked in my head. Hey what if I primed with this? You'd get hops and carbonation. I was thinking about doing it with a bottle or two and report back. Has anyone experienced this? Also to make sure it disolves better should I crush it up?
Subbed. I was gifted a bag of this and it's too bitter to enjoy as candy and I had a similar thought, but haven't attempted to try yet

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It could probably work. Just do some back of the envelope calculations to determine how much sugar is in each candy. And you could always crush them and measure it out that way.
Well I also am back sweetening, so it won't be dry and there should be enough sugar total to get all carbed up. That just means I'll need 2 soda bottles haha (for the rest of the normal batch and hopped)
Each candy has 4 grams it's 3.32 grams per 12 oz bottle so I should be good in adding one. I got the Golding variety.
So I bought I bag of hops candy and something ticked in my head. Hey what if I primed with this? You'd get hops and carbonation. I was thinking about doing it with a bottle or two and report back. Has anyone experienced this? Also to make sure it disolves better should I crush it up?

First off, thanks for trying the candy! I don't advertise or have a website so was just wondering where you found it?

DeFalco's did some experimenting when they first started carrying it and here's what they had to say:

"By the way, Bob. We tried an experiment recently that was a lot of fun. I had a Texas Brown Ale (hoppy brown), and we decided to bottle 4 EZ Cap half liter bottles. We tossed a Cooper's Carbonation drop plus around 1/4 tsp of corn sugar in one bottle as a control sample, and one each of the Cascades, Fuggles, and East Kent Goldings hop candy in the bottom of the other three bottles. The beers carbonated perfectly and you can tell a noticeable if still somewhat subtle difference between the four bottles. Thought you'd like to know."

Scott Birdwell
DeFalco's Home Wine & Beer Supplies

This was a brown ale, so I'd imagine that if they were used in a pale/bitter you would gain a little more hop character. Some of the varieties that are out on a trial basis add some really unique flavor/aroma character when dropped in a pint of beer. Apollo=melons, Zeus=deep herbal, Nugget=tangerine/herbal etc.. I've also used them to flavor plain water while others have used them in tea and coffee. Thanks again & Hoppy Trails!
I had found them at a Northern Brew in west allis good sir! At bottling for a plain and back sweetened I had added 1 candy (crushed) each to two grolsche bottles and 1 soda bottle so I shall report back on the final!