Hop powder, bottom of the bag

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2013
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i Have 1lb bags and in some there’s quite a bit of this powder? Do u use it? will it add more polyphenols and oils adding to the hop burn? Will it gum up equipment more, I can see it just making things sludgy. But Just curious What people do with it.
I just ran into this myself. I had always bought 1-2oz bags, but my 8oz bag of EGK had a bit of this going on. I just tossed it into the kettle like normal.
As long as the powder is still green, you will be just fine. If it is brown and smells like aged cheese, it is oxidized and should be discarded.
Cool. Thanks for the replies. I added most of it as I weighed it and I use a hop spider and even still there was solid Sludge on the bottom of the kettle when I transferred it meaning I see how most hops drop in a true whirlpool. nuts it’s all goodness.
Even if it makes it as far as the bottle, it will settle out after a few days and you should still be able to get a clean pour. This just happened on a current heavily dry hopped batch.