Larry Sayre, Developer of 'Mash Made Easy'
As retail AMS (known commercially as CRS) is only available (to my knowledge) within the UK, I offer (with due trepidation and warning) this method whereby to make a 1 Liter volume of what should (see disclaimer) be a functional equivalent.
HAZARD WARNINGS & CAUTION: Only undertake this extremely hazardous and potentially permanently maiming, disfiguring, blinding, lung damaging to destroying, and life threatening project if you both fully know what you are doing when handling fully saturation point concentrated acids and are properly attired in advance in fully suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) known to be completely adequate to the task. Never under any circumstances add water to any concentrated acid!!! I Repeat: Never under any circumstances add water to any concentrated acid!!!
DISCLAIMER: I've done the math for the equivalence, but I could easily be in error in so doing, so therefore you must verify, verify, verify!!! No warranties or guarantees or safety assurances are either expressed or implied.
Steps to produce 1 Liter:
1) Suit up in "FULLY" adequate PPE. Read (at a very minimum) all of the above listed hazard/caution warnings plus the disclaimer.
2) Add 700-750 mL (min-max) of room temperature deionized water, or very good distilled water, or exceptionally good RO water to a well cleaned and rinsed 1 Liter (1,000 mL) Pyrex Glass Erlenmeyer Flask. A lot of heat will potentially be evolved, so the flask must be made of Pyrex (or a Pyrex equivalent Borosilicate based low thermal expansion) Glass.
3) Add precisely 50 mL of concentrated food grade 98.00% Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) solution to the water containing flask and stir with a Pyrex glass stirring rod. Allow to cool to room temperature.
4) Next add precisely 150 mL of concentrated food grade 37.20% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) solution to the Erlenmeyer Flask and stir with a Pyrex glass stirring rod. Allow to cool to room temperature.
5) Next, carefully 'make up' the volume in the Erlenmeyer Flask to precisely the 1 Liter line via the addition of the same high purity room temperature water source used in step #1 above. Stir with a Pyrex glass stirring rod.
6)) When fully cooled to room temperature, store in an acid safe dispensing container with an adequate seal whereby to prevent evaporation. Use only with adequate ventilation and PPE and all due caution and safety.
Moderators: Please feel completely free to delete this if you deem the hazards and liabilities to be too great.
HAZARD WARNINGS & CAUTION: Only undertake this extremely hazardous and potentially permanently maiming, disfiguring, blinding, lung damaging to destroying, and life threatening project if you both fully know what you are doing when handling fully saturation point concentrated acids and are properly attired in advance in fully suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) known to be completely adequate to the task. Never under any circumstances add water to any concentrated acid!!! I Repeat: Never under any circumstances add water to any concentrated acid!!!
DISCLAIMER: I've done the math for the equivalence, but I could easily be in error in so doing, so therefore you must verify, verify, verify!!! No warranties or guarantees or safety assurances are either expressed or implied.
Steps to produce 1 Liter:
1) Suit up in "FULLY" adequate PPE. Read (at a very minimum) all of the above listed hazard/caution warnings plus the disclaimer.
2) Add 700-750 mL (min-max) of room temperature deionized water, or very good distilled water, or exceptionally good RO water to a well cleaned and rinsed 1 Liter (1,000 mL) Pyrex Glass Erlenmeyer Flask. A lot of heat will potentially be evolved, so the flask must be made of Pyrex (or a Pyrex equivalent Borosilicate based low thermal expansion) Glass.
3) Add precisely 50 mL of concentrated food grade 98.00% Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4) solution to the water containing flask and stir with a Pyrex glass stirring rod. Allow to cool to room temperature.
4) Next add precisely 150 mL of concentrated food grade 37.20% Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) solution to the Erlenmeyer Flask and stir with a Pyrex glass stirring rod. Allow to cool to room temperature.
5) Next, carefully 'make up' the volume in the Erlenmeyer Flask to precisely the 1 Liter line via the addition of the same high purity room temperature water source used in step #1 above. Stir with a Pyrex glass stirring rod.
6)) When fully cooled to room temperature, store in an acid safe dispensing container with an adequate seal whereby to prevent evaporation. Use only with adequate ventilation and PPE and all due caution and safety.
Moderators: Please feel completely free to delete this if you deem the hazards and liabilities to be too great.