The are definitely a lot of homebrewers in Shanghai. Look up Mike Sherretz @msherretz . I'm not sure if he's active here at all and I guess I can't even guarantee he's still in Shanghai since I haven't talked to him in years, but he's sort of a godfather of expat homebrewing here so he'd be a good resource for introductions and brew clubs, and he runs a Homebrew shop as well.
Unfortunately, my own brewing has taken a back seat to work and family, only three brew days in the last twelve months. I could send a couple porters and maybe the split batch Vienna lagers with S33 and T58 in a tasting swap, but I don't think I'll have anything new to offer for a while.
Unfortunately, my own brewing has taken a back seat to work and family, only three brew days in the last twelve months. I could send a couple porters and maybe the split batch Vienna lagers with S33 and T58 in a tasting swap, but I don't think I'll have anything new to offer for a while.