@TxBrew should be getting tired of the tag alerts by now. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. This should be easy enough.
I have no complaints about the new forum software since I rarely used the desktop to view the site. Looks and works great to me. I should spend more time checking out the forum without a phone app.
Here is one of my house brews, Tantrum a California Common with the Metal Shed Brewery in the background.
Thanks @TxBrew. The first beer I brewed was a brown ale from a kit during the fall when we were invaded by Asian ladybugs. In an old house, they get everywhere. When I racked to secondary, I discovered I had unknowingly added a secret ingredient to the primary. Thus was born Ladybug Brown Ale. And it was good.
Dido @TxBrew! "Thanks to you and all the folks working to get the latest version of HBT up and running"
Thought you might enjoy this picture. Its a flight of beer from the highest brewery in Singapore called Level 33 on the 33rd floor of building that overlooks the bay. also a picture of the bay from the brewery.
This is a pic of my latest brew session, brewed a dunkelweizen that will have some vanilla and cacao additions soon in the fermenter - a beer to celebrate my 3rd grandchild due in January
The first tap on my Kegerator, still a work in progress but working beautifully. Can hold up to 3 Corney's at once or just the one and my fermenter as I cold crash the current brew. I want to make some sturdy racking inside so that I can arrange a variety of sized kegs and the fermenter at the same time.
Left to right, an imperial stout pitched with PacMan yeast dregs, a gose with Brett dregs, a traditional mead. Hopefully building a keezer and stepping up to larger batches next year! @TxBrew
Hi @TxBrew I can't upload anything from my Galaxy S8 Plus. Just letting you know. I love Homebrewer Talk by the way. Been following for a while & now finally a member!