Home Brewing + Inflation = More Friends

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Apr 7, 2024
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Charlotte NC
HB + I = MF

If you home brew during a period of inflation - you will have more friends coming over for beer.

This is only a non peer reviewed thesis.
Has anyone else found this to be true?

I think I am brewing an extra 3-5 gal a month to keep up with the influx of "more friends". Not a complaint - I love sharing my beer with friends. Just an observation.
If your friends only come over because the beer is free, then you either need to brew better beer or get better friends. More likely you should be giving yourself a little bit more credit for excellent brewing skills and sparkling personality.
If your friends only come over because the beer is free, then you either need to brew better beer or get better friends. More likely you should be giving yourself a little bit more credit for excellent brewing skills and sparkling personality.
Brewing skills are solid, practice makes perfect ... But oh my, sparkling personality. More like a prickly cactus curmudgeon with a pinch of British sarcasm . Hahaha.
Nope. My friends drink garbage - Miller, Busch, Genny, etc. Zero chance they're so much as sipping a porter or tmavé.

Perhaps I need new friends...