I'm looking to make a high gravity spiced ale that I can put down and age until December. I'm looking specifically for help concocting a recipe that takes into account two brewhouse limitations:
Only able mash four lbs of base/specialty grains (2 gallon mini-mash tun)
Only able to safely boil 3 gallons or so (5 gallon brew kettle)
Any of you experienced PM/AG brewers out there have any good recommendations for base/specialty malts for mashing? Also: ideas for spices/herbs/fruits/sugars to add flavor and aroma? Hop suggestions would be welcome as well.
Only able mash four lbs of base/specialty grains (2 gallon mini-mash tun)
Only able to safely boil 3 gallons or so (5 gallon brew kettle)
Any of you experienced PM/AG brewers out there have any good recommendations for base/specialty malts for mashing? Also: ideas for spices/herbs/fruits/sugars to add flavor and aroma? Hop suggestions would be welcome as well.