Well-Known Member
So, I ordered an all grain kit from my AHB. Because I couldn't brew right away, I decided to get unmilled. When I found out that a certain female owner at a certain LHBS refuses to mill my grains despite spending gobs-o-cash there, I tried to do it myself via a rolling pin. It went well, for the first quarter. Then, my rolling pin broke because I was pressing down on it.
My back up plan was the blender. Turns out, my blender is over powered and turned about 1/2 of my grain bill to dust. Is it even worth trying to brew with this?
Hindsight being 20/20, it was a bad idea... so keep your comments to a minimum. Just need advice.
My back up plan was the blender. Turns out, my blender is over powered and turned about 1/2 of my grain bill to dust. Is it even worth trying to brew with this?
Hindsight being 20/20, it was a bad idea... so keep your comments to a minimum. Just need advice.