higher than expected FG for wyeast 3711 after 2 weeks

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Active Member
Nov 17, 2023
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Hello, I'm having some trouble brewing this extract recipe kit: https://www.northernbrewer.com/products/saison-de-noel-limited-edition-extract-kit

This is not my first time brewing this kit. The first time (also my first ever homebrew) we used wyeast 3711, and after 2 weeks our gravity reading came out to 1.006 (OG was 1.070). We waited 2 more weeks after that and the gravity got down to 1.001. This time around using the same yeast, after 2 weeks our gravity reading is quite a bit higher at 1.012, with nearly the exact same brewing conditions. We followed the recipe nearly the same (but kept our boil to just 30 minutes rather than 60 as we prefer a less hoppy beer) but our results so far aren't what we were expecting. I guess we should just let it sit a few extra weeks? Could the reduced boil time be causing this?
1.070 to 1.001 is 99% apparent attenuation which seems awfully high, even for a diastatic yeast. 1.012 is a lot closer to what I would expect for that yeast with extract.
I wouldn't expect 1.012 for 3711. It needs those extra couple of weeks. I can virtually guarantee it. My experience is that this yeast routinely takes 3.5 to 4 weeks to finish. The last few points are sloooooooooooooooow to ferment.
I wouldn't expect 1.012 for 3711. It needs those extra couple of weeks. I can virtually guarantee it. My experience is that this yeast routinely takes 3.5 to 4 weeks to finish. The last few points are sloooooooooooooooow to ferment.
yeah, we'll give it a few more weeks and check again